Educa+ draws will have prizes of up to R$500,000

Title allows families to create a reserve of resources to finance their children's studies, the Educa+ Treasury will do justice, on October 11th (Children's Day Eve) November 18th and December 23rd (Christmas Eve), with draws entitled to prizes of R$5,000, R$15,000 and R$50,000, totaling R$500,000 in awards.

The news was announced last Thursday (21) by the partnership formed by the National Treasury and the B3 (B3SA3), the Brazilian stock exchange, with the aim of stimulating investments in the aforementioned security prefixed.

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To date, the Educa+ Treasury has already raised R$50 million, corresponding to 13,400 investors, which demonstrates the strong potential of this investment, whose characteristic is to support investments aimed at specific objectives, such as retirement, through Renda+, and in education, through Educa+.

According to the Secretary of the National Treasury. Rogério Ceron, “by launching the draws at Tesouro Educa+, our intention is to further encourage the participation of Brazilian families in the program. A prize of R$50,000, for example, when invested in the Educa+ Treasury, guarantees a substantial monthly income significant, reaching more than R$1 thousand or R$2 thousand, depending on the age of the child or young person recipient".

Open to all investors residing in the country and who have an account with a brokerage, the first draw requires the participant to have made their investments in Treasury Educa+, from September 20th to October 6th, 2023, in addition to access to the Treasury website, for registration purposes and better knowledge of the details of the campaign.

Also on the website, the investor will be aware of information, such as draw dates, prize values ​​and how to indicate the beneficiaries, in order to more closely monitor the evolution of the campaign and its results.

By attracting new investors, the Educa+ program aims to enhance children's education and young people, whose prize will be indicated, in advance, by the investors, during the process of enrollment.

With the aim of democratizing access to public securities, promoting the formation of savings and serving as an educational instrument financial sector, Tesouro Direto, created in 2022, currently has 2.393 million investors, totaling R$122 billion invested.

According to B3’s Director of Customer and Individual Relations, Felipe Paiva, “the Tesouro Direto program is often the ‘gateway’ to the world of investments. The idea is to make more and more Brazilians understand the importance of building their nest egg for the future! Just like taking care of your health, we want 5, 10, or a new generation to understand that financial health is also part of the present and future of their lives.”

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