Investors and NuPartners, know that Nubank is leaving B3

Brazilian fintech Nubank, known and used by a large part of the population of our country, made an announcement last week that it was planning to stop being a public company in Brazil. The company also said that its “No Partners” could choose between selling or converting the stock when their lockup came to an end.

So, along with other BDR investors, they could choose the best option between converting or selling their BDRs. the company will disclose the information in a transparent and simple way along with the step by step in the application and in the blog, where it is also possible to see the timeline.

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Nubank shares

Last week, a plan was announced by fintech Nubank, which aimed to cancel the registration with the CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) as a publicly-held company. For this to happen, the company's share receipts (BDRs), which were traded on B3, official stock exchange in Brazil, with the code NUBR33, will be changed from Level III to Level i.

When migrating to Level I, the company will no longer need to be registered with the CVM and will no longer be listed on the B3, even if shares continue to be traded on the Brazilian stock exchange, just like some other companies international.

So is Nubank leaving B3?

According to information from the CEO and chief strategist of Empiricus Research, Felipe Miranda, the answer is that yes, fintech is leaving B3. According to him, even before Nubank announced that it would be leaving B3, he was no longer considering investing in NUBR33 shares as a very good choice.

The specialist had already observed and continued to analyze the signs where the macroeconomic scenario had not so positive results for Nubank. Inflation and also high interest rates were some crucial points to have this perception that fintech was no longer at its height of value. The company reached the stock exchange with an appraised price higher than the largest bank in Latin America, Itaú.

Fintech had its IPO, known as the initial public offering, at a much more beneficial market moment than the one we are experiencing today, where inflation was controlled and the interest rate was lower. What's more, the promise of profits was also enticing. Because of this, investors were more confident at the beginning of everything.

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