Portuguese activities for the 3rd year (Elementary School)

Check out the Portuguese language activities for the 3rd year of Elementary School according to the BNCC - National Common Curricular Base.

Activities include: spelling with s or ss, CCV syllables, digraphs, stressed syllables, identification and differentiation between nouns and verbs, adjectives, prefixes in word formation and poem.

Activity 1: spelling with s or ss

Ability: (EF03LP01) Read and write words with regular contextual correspondences between graphemes and phonemes – c/qu; g/gu; r/rr; s/ss; o (and not u) and e (and not i) in an unstressed syllable at the end of a word – and with nasality marks (tilde, m, n).

activity s or ss

activity s or ss_responses

Activity 2: CCV syllables and digraphs

Ability: (EF03LP02) Read and write correctly words with syllables CV, V, CVC, CCV, VC, VV, CVV, identifying that there are vowels in all syllables.

CCV activities and digraphs

CCV activities and digraphs_responses

Activity 3: stressed syllables

Ability: (EF03LP06) Identify the stressed syllable in words, classifying them into oxytones, paroxytones and proparoxytones.

stressed syllable activities

stressed syllables activity_answers

Activity 4: identification and differentiation between nouns and verbs

Ability: (EF03LP08) Identify and differentiate, in texts, nouns and verbs and their functions in the sentence: agent, action, object of the action.

activity identification and differentiation between nouns and verbs
activity identification and differentiation between nouns and verbs_answers

Activity 5: reading text and identifying adjectives

(EF03LP09) Identify, in texts, adjectives and their function of attributing properties to nouns.

activity reading text and identifying adjectives
activity reading text and identifying adjectives_answers

Activity 6: prefixes in word formation

Ability: (EF03LP10) Recognize productive prefixes and suffixes in the formation of words derived from nouns, adjectives and verbs, using them to understand words and to form new words.

prefixes activities in word formation

activities prefixes in word formation_answers

Activity 7: poem

Ability: (EF35LP23) Appreciate poems and other versified texts, observing rhymes, alliteration and different ways of dividing verses, stanzas and choruses and their effect on meaning.

poem activity
activity about poem_answers

Read too:

  • Lesson plan | Reading comprehension (3rd year of elementary school)
  • Portuguese activities
  • Activities about verbs

FERNANDES, Márcia. Portuguese activities for the 3rd year (Elementary Education).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/atividades-de-portugues-3-ano/. Access at:

See too

  • Portuguese activities for the 2nd year (Elementary School)
  • Spelling: what it is, rules and exercises
  • Mathematics lesson plans (2nd year of Elementary School)
  • Languages, codes and their technologies: Enem
  • Mathematics lesson plans for 6th grade
  • Lesson plan (how to do it, model and examples)
  • Chemistry lesson plans for 9th grade
  • Spanish in Enem: infallible tips for you to ace the test

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