Check out the Portuguese language activities for the 3rd year of Elementary School according to the BNCC - National Common Curricular Base.
Activities include: spelling with s or ss, CCV syllables, digraphs, stressed syllables, identification and differentiation between nouns and verbs, adjectives, prefixes in word formation and poem.
Activity 1: spelling with s or ss
Ability: (EF03LP01) Read and write words with regular contextual correspondences between graphemes and phonemes – c/qu; g/gu; r/rr; s/ss; o (and not u) and e (and not i) in an unstressed syllable at the end of a word – and with nasality marks (tilde, m, n).

Activity 2: CCV syllables and digraphs
Ability: (EF03LP02) Read and write correctly words with syllables CV, V, CVC, CCV, VC, VV, CVV, identifying that there are vowels in all syllables.

Activity 3: stressed syllables
Ability: (EF03LP06) Identify the stressed syllable in words, classifying them into oxytones, paroxytones and proparoxytones.

Activity 4: identification and differentiation between nouns and verbs
Ability: (EF03LP08) Identify and differentiate, in texts, nouns and verbs and their functions in the sentence: agent, action, object of the action.

Activity 5: reading text and identifying adjectives
(EF03LP09) Identify, in texts, adjectives and their function of attributing properties to nouns.

Activity 6: prefixes in word formation
Ability: (EF03LP10) Recognize productive prefixes and suffixes in the formation of words derived from nouns, adjectives and verbs, using them to understand words and to form new words.

Activity 7: poem
Ability: (EF35LP23) Appreciate poems and other versified texts, observing rhymes, alliteration and different ways of dividing verses, stanzas and choruses and their effect on meaning.

Read too:
- Lesson plan | Reading comprehension (3rd year of elementary school)
- Portuguese activities
- Activities about verbs
FERNANDES, Márcia. Portuguese activities for the 3rd year (Elementary Education).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:
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