Who are monkeys: learn about some species (with images)

Monkeys are mammalian animals classified in the order of Primates, however, primates are divided into two suborders: Strepsirrhini and Haplorrhini.

  • Strepsirrhini: lemurs, lorises and galagos;
  • Haplorrhini: divided into Tarsiiforme (Tarsus) and Simiiforme (the Catarrhini It is Platyrrhini).

Animals known as monkeys are in the group (parvordem) Platyrrhini It is Catarrhini (some).

To make it easier, to be considered a monkey you need to have tail (tail). Therefore, gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees and bonobos no They are monkeys, but rather, Hominoids.

Characteristics of monkeys

We can say that all the monkeys they are primates, but Not every primate is a monkey. True monkeys are the tailed primates of:

  • New World (Americas): the Platyrrhini;
  • Old World (Asia, Africa, Europe, etc.): the Catarrhini.


New World monkeys have separate nostrils positioned to the sides, a flat snout, and a relatively long tail compared to their body. They have three pairs of premolar teeth, one more than the Catarrhini.

They are quadrupeds, but sometimes walk on two legs (optional bipedalism). They live in trees (arboreal habit) and are found in tropical forests on the American continent.

Bald monkey
Bald monkey (Cacajao calvus): species of New World Monkey (Platyrrhini)

The animals in this group are subdivided into 5 families. In general, they feed on leaves, flowers, fruits, insects and small vertebrates. They may have a prehensile tail, that is, some representatives can hang by their tail, others cannot.


Old World monkeys are the most numerous in the world. They are found in Asia, Europe and Africa. They have nostrils close together and facing downwards, they feed on fruits, flowers, leaves, seeds, insects, birds, reptiles and small mammals.

Golden Langur
Golden Langur (Trachypithecus geei): species of Old World Monkey (Catarrhini)

They have 32 teeth, sometimes facial pouches, to reserve food, a tail, when present, is short and never prehensile. Muzzle more or less straight and ischial calluses (calluses between the anus).

Catarrhini live in open places, such as savannas or savannas, as well as tropical forests and mountains. The true monkeys in this group are from the Cercopithecidae family.

Species of Monkeys (images)

Some species of parvordem monkeys Platyrrhini they are:

  • Golden Lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia);
  • dwarf marmoset (Callithrix jacchus);
  • Spider monkey (Atelesbelzebuth);
  • capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus);
  • Northern Muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus).
New World Monkey Species (Platyrrhini)

Some species of parvordem monkeys Catarrhini they are:

  • Chuck (Mandrillus sphinx);
  • Baboon (Papio hamadryas);
  • Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus);
  • Red monkey (Erythrocebus paws);
  • Asian macaque (Macaca fascicularis).
Old World Monkey Species (Catarrhini)

Know more:

  • Golden Lion tamarin;
  • Endangered animals in Brazil.

Bibliographic references

PRATA, Joane Menezes et al. Analysis of the MHC-Class IB region in neotropical primates. 2016.

CASTILHO, Rubens. Monkeys.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/macacos/. Access at:

See too

  • Animals of the Cerrado
  • Animals of the Caatinga
  • Giant Anteater
  • Mammals
  • The 10 largest predators in the animal kingdom
  • Cats
  • Golden Lion tamarin
  • Human evolution

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