Enem editorial team: find out which topics were most discussed in recent decades

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The National High School Examination (And either) is known for his writing, which can be a mystery to many students. After all, it is impossible to predict exactly what the topic will be covered.

However, it is possible to identify most demanded topicsat Enem over the years, something extremely useful for students to prepare more efficiently.

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Thematic axes in the Enem writing

To better understand which topics the examiners prefer, we can use the tip from teacher Daniela Toffoli, from Curso Anglo.

She suggests the use of thematic axes, which are large areas that cover several common themes, for example:

  • Environment;

  • Education and Work;

  • Violence, Laws and Punishments;

  • Citizenship and Power;

  • Communication and Media;

  • Culture and Society;

  • Cultural Goods and Social Relations;

  • Body, Health and Sexuality.

Taking these eight axes into account, we can note the topics that appeared most in the Enem writing over the years.

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(Image: disclosure)

Culture and Society

Some examples of topics that were covered in this axis are:

  • Challenges in valuing traditional peoples;

  • Democratization of access to cinema in Brazil;

  • Paths to combat religious intolerance in Brazil;

  • The challenge of living with difference;

  • The transformative power of reading.

Communication and Media

Some subjects that fit into this axis are:

  • Manipulation of user behavior by controlling data on the internet;

  • Children's advertising in question in Brazil;

  • Living in a network in the 21st century: the limits between public and private;

  • How to guarantee freedom of information and prevent abuse in the media.

Violence, Laws and Punishments

Some examples of topics that fit this axis are:

  • The persistence of violence against women in Brazil;

  • Effects of the implementation of Dry Law in Brazil;

  • Child labor in the Brazilian reality;

  • Violence in Brazilian society: how to change the rules of this game?

Other thematic axes

In addition to the thematic axes mentioned, we can highlight the presence of themes related to “Citizenship and Power”, “Education and Work”, “Body, Health and Sexuality” and “Environment” in some editions of And either.

It is important to highlight that the thematic axes can be related to each other, as certain subjects are multifactorial.

For example, the topic of “children's advertising in Brazil” can be either on the “Communication and Media” axis or on the “Communication and Media” axis. “Violence, Laws and Punishments”, as it addresses the impact of propaganda disseminated by the media and related legislation to the subject.

In a similar way, “the challenges for valuing traditional communities” are related to the axes of “Citizenship and Power” and “Environment”, as many candidates would argue about the importance of these communities in preserving environmental.

When studying for the Enem essay, it is important to know the most recurring thematic axes, as they can serve as a basis for preparation.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that the Enem test It is interdisciplinary, including writing. Therefore, the ability to relate different subjects and address topics comprehensively is essential for good performance.

And remember: writing practice, reading excellent texts and paying attention to current affairs are essential to adequately prepare for the Enem essay.

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