SEST SENAT offers job openings in 11 states plus DF; check out!

The Transport Social Service and the National Transport Learning Service (SEST SENAT) There are open positions in 11 states plus DF for different areas, in addition to covering different levels of education.

Applications can be made easily via the official opportunity announcement page. See more details below!

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Opportunities offered by SEST SENAT

SEST SENAT offers several vacancies for permanent positions and has positions reserved for people with disabilities (PWD). Thus, it encompasses a wide variety of Brazilians and strengthens the culture of inclusion. See the positions:

  • Full Analyst I and III;

  • Administrative Assistant (PCD);

  • Administrative Assistant (PCD);

  • Sports and Leisure Instructor;

  • Computer Operator Instructor;

  • Sales Promoter Instructor;

  • SENAT Instructor (Traffic, Languages, Management, Workplace Safety);

  • Nutritionist;

  • Dentist (General Practitioner and Periodontics);

  • Psychologist.

(Image: disclosure)

These are some of the opportunities offered to work in different states, such as the following:

  • Bahia;

  • Federal District;

  • Goiás;

  • Maranhão;

  • Minas Gerais;

  • For;

  • Pernambuco;

  • Rondônia;

  • Rio Grande do Sul;

  • Santa Catarina;

  • São Paulo;

  • Tocantins.

How to sign up for SEST SENAT opportunities

To ensure your registration in the selection processes, candidates simply follow the procedure in the official site. Interested parties can filter vacancies by region and check which profile best suits them.

In addition, candidates can consult requirements, experience level, remuneration and other details. This way, they are informed of all the necessary information about the opportunity.

Don't forget to complete the application procedure by sending the essential documents to approve participation in the selection. To do this, ensure that documents and information are clear and legible for evaluators.

The processes can include several selection phases according to the wishes of the recruiters responsible for the selection process in each region.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the written and practical test and also for interviews in accordance with the information in the Candidate Manual.

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