October 5th: discover the history and meaning of the celebration of World Teachers' Day

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World Teachers' Day is approaching and, without a doubt, this date deserves to be celebrated with enthusiasm and gratitude.

After all, we can say that this is a celebration that crosses borders and unites people around the appreciation of these essential professionals who, in short, make the education.

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But, at some point, have you ever wondered why we chose October 5th for this celebration? Let's find out together!

A little of history

International Teachers' Day was established in 1994 by UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science and Culture) to commemorate the signing of the “Recommendation relating to the Statute of Teachers.”

This document was signed on October 5, 1966, at a special conference in Paris. It was a way not only to recognize the importance of educators in social development, but also to outline guidelines for their rights and duties.

Because it's important?

This date becomes especially relevant, as it reminds us of the importance of teachers in our lives. They are much more than simple transmitters of information; They are mentors, advisors and, often, friends.

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The role of a teacher goes beyond the four walls of the classroom and is crucial for the development of a fairer and more informed society.

How to celebrate?

There are many ways to make this day special for your loved ones. teachers that are in your life. A message of thanks, a symbolic gift or even an affectionate memory on social media can make an educator's day happier.

But the most important thing is to remember to value these professionals throughout the year, not just on commemorative dates.

Recognize the work of teachers

World Teachers' Day is a perfect opportunity to recognize the hard work and dedication of those who shape future generations.

Now knowing the story behind the date, you have even more reason to celebrate and thank the teachers in your life.

So, let's take advantage of this October 5th to show how important they are to us, including those who no longer attend school!


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