Practice trigonometric circle with this list of exercises solved step by step. Ask your questions and be prepared for your assessments.
question 1
Determine in which quadrant the angle of 2735° in the positive direction is located.
Since each complete revolution is 360°, we divide 2735 by 360.
That's seven full turns plus 215º.
The 215° angle is in the third quadrant in the positive (counterclockwise) direction.
question 2
Let A be the set formed by the first six multiples of , determine the sine of each of the arcs.
The first six multiples are, in degrees:
Let's determine the sine values per quadrant of the trigonometric circle.
1st quadrant (positive sine)
2nd quadrant (positive sine)
3rd quadrant (negative sine)
4th quadrant (negative sine)
question 3
Considering the expression , with
, determine the value of x to obtain the smallest possible result.
The smallest possible result occurs when the denominator is maximum. For this, the cos x must be as small as possible.
The smallest value of cosine is -1, and occurs when x is 180º or, .
question 4
Calculate the value of the expression: .
The tangent is positive for the 240° angle as it is in the third quadrant. It is equivalent to the tangent of 60° in the first quadrant. Soon,
The tangent of 150° is negative as it is in the second quadrant. It is equivalent to the tangent of 30° in the first quadrant. Soon,
Returning the expression:
question 5
The fundamental relationship of trigonometry is an important equation relating sine and cosine values, expressed as:
Considering an arc in the 4th quadrant and the tangent of this arc equal to -0.3, determine the cosine of this same arc.
The tangent is defined as:
Isolating the sine value in this equation, we have:
Substituting in the fundamental relation:
question 6
(Fesp) The expression OK:
a) 5/2
b) -1
c) 9/4
d) 1.
e) 1/2
question 7
(CESGRANRIO) If is an arc of the 3rd quadrant and
It is)
As tg x = 1, x must be a multiple of 45º that generates a positive value. So, in the third quadrant, this angle is 225º.
In the first quadrant, cos 45º = , in the third quadrant, cos 225º =
question 8
(UFR) Performing the expression has as a result
a) 0
b) 2
c) 3
d) -1
e) 1
question 9
Knowing that x belongs to the second quadrant and that cos x = –0.80, it can be stated that
a) cosec x = –1.666...
b) tg x = –0.75
c) sec x = –1.20
d) cotg x = 0.75
e) sin x = –0.6
By the trigonometric circle, we obtain the fundamental relation of trigonometry:
Once we have the cosine, we can find the sine.
The tangent is defined as:
question 10
(UEL) The value of the expression é:
It is)
Passing radian values to arcs:
From the trigonometric circle, we see that:
Learn more about:
- Trigonometric Table
- Trigonometric Circle
- Trigonometry
- Trigonometric Relations
ASTH, Rafael. Exercises on trigonometric circle with answer.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:
See too
- Trigonometric Circle
- Sine, Cosine and Tangent Exercises
- Trigonometry Exercises
- Trigonometry
- Sine, Cosine and Tangent
- Trigonometric Relations
- Circumference and circle exercises with explained answers
- Trigonometric Table