Amazonian SkinFood: discover the American skincare brand created by a Brazilian

A entrepreneur Brazilian Rose Correa, at 42 years old, drew attention by bringing our Brazilianness to the skin care market in the United States.

Her brand, Amazonian SkinFood, focuses on sustainable skincare, using natural ingredients from the Amazon supplied by people originally from the region.

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History of Amazonian SkinFood

Rose Correa (Image: Reproduction / Amazonian SkinFood)

She embarked on the trend of “clean beauty“, which has gained ground in the cosmetics market, prioritizing items that are as natural as possible, both for skin health and the environment.

“It's skincare that connects with nature, that people know where it comes from, and that has people behind it who are very important for our survival,” says Rose Correa.

Despite the logistical challenges and costs associated with importing raw materials from the Amazon, the Amazonian SkinFood had revenues of US$ 25 thousand last year and expects to grow to US$ 60 thousand in this year.

Success is attributed to word of mouth and participation in events, organically promoting your brand to the American public.

Rose Correa began her journey in skincare out of necessity. Seven years ago, she developed allergies to conventional products while living in Florianópolis (SC), Brazil.

From there, she began researching natural active ingredients and, together with her partner, a food engineer, experimented with creating chemical-free products.

After moving to the United States, with the help of chemists specializing in clean beauty, they launched the first Amazonian SkinFood products, including a facial cleanser, cream and oil.

Brand products

All cosmetics are made with inputs from the Amazon, purchased directly from extractivists and families who depend on such ingredients for subsistence.

Rose Correa is proud to support local communities, directing 10% of profits to help build schools and artesian wells in indigenous and riverside villages in the region.

The entrepreneur also aims to bring the identity of these peoples to her brand in the future, highlighting the importance of learning from them and promoting unity between consumers and native peoples.

Its objective is to join efforts to preserve culture and the Amazon forest. As a result, the brand is an inspiring example of how sustainable entrepreneurship can create quality products, promote skin well-being and contribute to the preservation of the Amazon.

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