Know what happens if you take 2 or more showers a day

Many people have the habit of showering several times a day, first thing in the morning when they wake up, before and after going to work out and before going to sleep. However, this can create a problem not only with regard to excess water, but also for the health of our skin, hair, among other aspects.

Understand more about how taking more than 2 baths a day can interfere with our health.

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Check out some negative effects of taking more than 2 showers a day

Although many people don't know it, bathing in excess can be quite harmful to the body. This is because with the use of soaps and sponges during the shower, the natural fat and healthy bacteria are eliminated, complicating the natural protection of our body in relation to fungi, mycoses, allergies and eczema.

  • effect on hair

After a shower, freshly washed hair can look great. However, oddly enough, washing them frequently can make them oilier. This is because when we apply the shampoo, the hair becomes drier and starts to produce more sebum in response, causing the rebound effect.

  • skin effect

Applying soap to the face has a propensity to do more harm than good to humans. The combination of soap and hot water, in particular, helps remove safe bacteria and essential lipids for skin maintenance. These oils help to keep the region rejuvenated and healthy for a long period of time, and some dermatologists even recommend 2 to 3 baths a week to keep your skin from getting overly dry.

  • Effect on the reproductive system 

Few people know that simply using water to clean your private parts and using soaps and scented detergents to wash them can affect the pH levels of the intimate region, especially in cases of the women. This, in turn, can cause bacterial imbalance, irritation, and even affect reproductive health.

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