Those who sleep late are 20% more likely to develop diabetes, says study

Research published in the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicine recently discussed the relationship between sleep and diabetes.

According to the study, those who take longer to sleep tend to develop the disease. Below, we explain the details behind the research and provide data that reinforces that the situation is seen mainly when it comes to women. Check out!

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What is the relationship between sleeping late and diabetes?

Research into the development of diabetes was carried out by doctors at Brigham University, in the USA, with a total of 63,600 nurses. The women analyzed during the study were aged between 45 and 62 years.

The study carried out continuous monitoring for seven years, having started in 2009. Women with nocturnal habits were classified as making up 11% of the total candidates evaluated in the research.

(Image: disclosure)

“When we took participants who had different lifestyle habits out of the equation, there was a reduction in the risk of diabetes, but it still remained. This means that the sleep cycle is, indeed, related to the condition”, said doctor Sina Kianersi, leader of the study.

Need for further study

Although the public analyzed has demonstrated how the connection between the increase in the chances of developing the disease occurs, this has not yet been effectively proven. To become a “verdict”, it is necessary to evaluate and monitor more people.

“If we can determine a causal link between chronotype (synchronization of circadian rhythms) and diabetes or other diseases, doctors will be able to better adapt prevention strategies to their patients”, concludes specialist Kianersi.

Therefore, we must reinforce that despite the successful deduction carried out in the research, further studies are still needed for the theory created to be proven.

With continued studies, it would be possible to determine more precisely the influence of nighttime habits on the development of diabetes.

In any case, it is worth highlighting that the habit of sleeping late is not beneficial for your health. Sleeping well is one of the pillars of a fulfilling life!

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