Conjugation of the verb cacifar

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See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb cacifar.

Gerund: cacifando

Type of verb: regular

Past participle: locked

Infinitive: cacifar

Transitivity of the verb: intranstitive

Syllabic division: ca-ci-far

Conjugation of the verb cacifar in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I lock
you lock
he/she locks
we lock
you lock
they cacico
Past perfect I cashed
you cheated
he/she cashed
we lock
you cacifested
they cheated
Imperfect past tense I sniffed
you cacifava
he/she was cheating
we cached
you cacifiable
they cheated
Past perfect tense I would cacifar
you will cacifara
he/she will lock
we would cacifé
you will cacifar
they cheated
Future of the present I will cacifar
you will cash
he/she will cash
we will cache
you will cacifar
they will cacico
Future of past tense I would cacifar
you would cacifar
he/she would cacifar
we would cache
you would cacifar
they would cash

Conjugation of the verb cacifar in the subjunctive mood:

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Verb tense Conjugation
Gift that I buy
that you buy
that he/she buys
that we lock
that you lock
let them buy in
Imperfect past tense if I cheated
if you cheated
if he/she cheated
if we cashed
if you cheated
if they cheated
Future when I cash
when you cash
when he/she cashes
when we cash
when you splurge
when they cash

Conjugation of the verb cacifar in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


you lock up
let's lock ourselves
cacifai you
lock them up

Negative imperative


don't buy yourself
don't cheat him/her
let's not fool ourselves
don't fool yourself
don't cheat them

Conjugation of the verb cacifar in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive for cheating me
for cacifering you
for cheating him/her
for caciquing ourselves
because you cacifardes
for cheating them

Source: Brazil School -
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