Make a delicious light cheese bread

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A delicious cheese bread, with plenty of melted cheese is delicious. However, it can contain a lot of calories and end up directly interfering with your diet to lose weight.

However, did you know that it is super easy to prepare a light cheese roll, which you can enjoy without any weight on your conscience? Learn how to prepare this amazing recipe.

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The History of Cheese Bread

First, like all recipes, this story is uncertain. Thus, what is known is that the origin of cheese bread is from Minas Gerais, around the 18th century. It may have been created by farm cooks at the time. That's because they made their bread recipes with cassava flour instead of wheat flour, and achieved a texture very close to that of cheese bread.

In this context, when they talked to the gentlemen, along with the manioc flour, they added cheese left over from the other dishes. As a result, the first cheese rolls in our country appeared, mixing eggs, milk and fat, then rolling the dough and baking it. Thus, farmers approved the delicious breads and their recipe spread throughout Brazil and even reached some countries on the continent.

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light bread recipe

Like all tasty food, cheese bread has a lot of fat and is very difficult to include in the diet. However, it is possible to make a light version to enjoy this recipe, which will be less greasy. Here's how to prepare:


  • 250 g of boiled and mashed potato;
  • 200 g of grated semi-cure cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 cups of sweet sprinkle tea;
  • Salt to taste.

Method of preparation

Preparing this cheese bread is very easy, just mix all the ingredients and beat until it turns into a dough that allows you to make very small balls. Then take it to the preheated oven at 150ºC and let it bake until golden.
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