Encceja 2023 answer sheet: check it out!

O Encceja 2023 answer key is now available for consultation. The exam tests were administered on August 27th. Check out:

Encceja 2023 Answer Key

Of the more than 1.1 million subscribers, 355.8 thousand candidates appeared on the exam day, which represents an abstention of 57.67%.

To obtain the diploma through Encceja 2023 it is necessary:

  • Stay with one score equal to or greater than 100 points in objective tests;

  • Get 50% success rate in the essay.

The calculation of objective tests is done according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), the same methodology used in the National High School Exam (Enem).

O National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja) is an assessment that allows people who have not completed primary or secondary education to obtain a certificate for these stages of education.

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) is responsible for organizing the exam.

Read too:Everything about Encceja 2023

Encceja 2023 Exams

The Encceja 2023 exams took place on August 27th. Participants took the exam in two shifts, morning and afternoon.

In addition to the objective questions, students had to produce an essay.

O essay topic of Encceja 2023 in the elementary education modality was "The importance of respect for religions of African origins". The high school theme was "Actions to take care of workers' mental health".

The evaluation was composed based on the Reference Matrices available on the Inep portal. were applied four objective tests, based on the level of education (elementary and secondary). Each test consisted of 30 objective questions.

Check the composition and organization of schedules Encceja exams at elementary school level:

Knowledge area

Curricular component



Natural Sciences


9am to 1pm

4 hours



Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing

Portuguese language with writing, English, Spanish, Arts, Physical Education and Writing

3:30 pm to 8:30 pm

5 hours

History and geography

History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology

5 hours

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Find out the composition of Encceja exams at high school level:

Knowledge area

Curricular component



Natural Sciences and their technologies

Chemistry, Physics and Biology

9am to 1pm

4 hours

Mathematics and its technologies


Languages, Codes, Technologies and Writing

Portuguese language with writing, English, Spanish, Arts, Physical Education and Writing

3:30 pm to 8:30 pm

5 hours

Human Sciences and their technologies

History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology

5 hours

Find out more details and information at Encceja 2023 notice.

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