Meaning of Deacon (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Deacon is the title given to the third degree of the Order of the Sacrament, belonging to the Catholic Church. The deacons are in charge of perform the "service of the ministry of God", ceasing to be a simple layman and becoming a member of the clergy group.

The word deacon came from the Greek diakonos, which means "attendant" or "servant". According to the doctrine, the catholic deacon is the "servant of God", spreading his word and helping to build his kingdom with the faithful on earth, according to the needs of the church.

In the Catholic Church, the clergy is formed by three degrees of sacrament of the priestly order: bishops, presbyters (or priests) and deacons. In Protestant churches there are also deacons, who likewise assist pastors with tasks to take care of the Church.

O deacon's role in contemporary Catholic churches, it ranges from administrative work in the archdioceses, to functions of porter and watchman during services and masses. In addition, under the observation of a priest, the deacon may also perform some religious ceremonies, such as baptisms and blessing weddings.

Each church with its denominational tradition celebrates Deacon's Day on a different date, the main ones being: Catholic Deacon Day (August 10th), Baptist Deacon's Day (2nd Sunday in November), Evangelical Deacon Day and Presbyterian Deacon Day (July 9).

The female of deacon is deaconess, but the Catholic Church does not grant the Sacrament of Orders to women, only to men.

permanent deacon

Both in the Catholic Church and in Protestantism, deacons can be transitory or permanent.

The transitory deacon is the one who receives the deaconal degree only as a stage for later receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the priestly degree, that is, to become a priest.

The permanent deacon, on the other hand, is someone who is already married or intends to marry, and cannot progress to the degree of priest, as there is a prohibition on marriage for priests. Therefore, permanent deacons always remain deacons.

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