Conjugation of the verb wagnerizar

See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb wagnerizar.

Gerund: wagnerizing

Type of verb: regular

Past participle: wagnerized

Infinitive: wagnerize

Transitivity of the verb: direct transitive

Syllabic division: wa-gne-ri-zar

Conjugation of the verb wagnerizar in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I Wagnerize
you wagnerize
he/she wagnerizes
we wagnerize
you wagnerizais
they wagnerize
Past perfect I Wagnerized
you wagnerized
he/she wagnerized
we wagnerize
you wagnerized
they Wagnerized
Imperfect past tense I Wagnerized
you were wagnering
he/she was wagnering
we were wagnerising
you wagnerizable
they Wagnerized
Past perfect tense I Wagnerized
you will wagnerize
he/she/it will wagnerize
we will wagnerize
you will wagnerize
they Wagnerized
Future of the present I will Wagnerize
you will wagnerize
he/she will wagnerize
we will wagnerize
you will wagnerize
they will wagnerize
Future of past tense I would Wagnerize
you would Wagnerize
he/she would wagnerize
we would wagnerize
you would wagnerize
they would Wagnerize

Conjugation of the verb wagnerizar in the subjunctive mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift that I Wagnerize
that you wagnerize
may he/she wagnerize
let us wagnerise
that you Wagnerize
may they wagnerise
Imperfect past tense If I Wagnerized
if you were wagneria
if he/she Wagnerized
If we Wagnerized
if you wagnerized
if they Wagnerized
Future when I wagnerize
when you wagnerize
when he/she wagnerizes
when we wagnerize
when you wagnerize
when they wagnerize

Conjugation of the verb wagnerizar in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


wagnerize you
Wagnerize him/her
let us wagnerise
Wagnerize you
wagnerizem they

Negative imperative


don't wagnerize you
don't wagnerize him/her
let's not wagnerise
do not wagnerize
don't wagnerise them

Conjugation of the verb wagnerizar in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive for wagnerizing me
for wagnerizing you
for Wagnerizing him/her
for wagnerizing us
for wagnerizing you
for Wagnerizing them

Source: Brazil School -

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