Conjugation of the verb damasquinar

See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb damasquinar.

Gerund: damasquinando

Type of verb: regular

Past participle: damask

Infinitive: damasquinar

Transitivity of the verb: direct transitive

Syllabic division: da-mas-qui-nar

Conjugation of the verb damasquinar in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I apricot
you damasquinas
he/she damasquina
we damask
you damaschinate
they damask
Past perfect I damask
you damask
he/she damascinated
we damask
you damascinated
they damasked
Imperfect past tense I damask
you damascinated
he/she damascinated
we dazzled
you damask
they dazzled
Past perfect tense I damasquinara
you damask
he/she damascinated
we would damask
you tampered with
they will damask
Future of the present I will damask
you will dampen
he/she will damask
we will damask
you will cheat
they will damask
Future of past tense I would damaschina
you would damask
he/she would work
we would damask
you would manipulate
they would damask

Conjugation of the verb damasquinar in the subjunctive mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift that I damask
that you damask
let him/her damaskine
let us damask
that you damasquinei
let them damask
Imperfect past tense if I damascinated
if you damascinated
if he/she damascinated
if we damascinated
if you damascinassed
if they damascinated
Future when I damask
when you damasquinare
when he/she damascinates
when we damask
when you damask
when they cheat

Conjugation of the verb damasquinar in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


damasquina you
damasquine he/she
let us damask
damasquinai you
damasquinem them

Negative imperative


don't damask you
don't damask him/her
let's not damask
do not damask yourselves
don't damask them

Conjugation of the verb damasquinar in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive for damasking me
for damasking you
for cheating on him/her
for damasking us
because you damask
for cheating on them

Source: Brazil School -

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