Blue September: what it is, importance, why the color

OsSeptember Azul is an initiative held annually in September with the aim of giving greater visibility to the deaf community in Brazil. This month, actions are developed that highlight the challenges faced by the deaf community but also propose initiatives for the integration of deaf people.

The choice of the month takes into account a series of events that take place there, demonstrating its importance for the deaf community. Among the significant dates for the deaf in September is National Deaf Day, celebrated on September 26th. In the case of blue, the color goes back to the deaf people who were victims of the Nazis.

Read too: September 21st — National Day for the Struggle of People with Disabilities

Blue September Summary

  • Setembro Azul is an initiative that seeks to give visibility to the deaf community in Brazil.

  • During the month, actions are promoted that reinforce the challenges faced by the deaf community.

  • The date also serves to expand the integration of deaf people and to propose public policies to benefit this population.

  • The choice of the month of September takes into account its importance for the Brazilian deaf community.

  • The color blue, in turn, is a reference to the headband that deaf people wore in a eugenics program developed by the Nazis.

What is Blue September?

The Blue September é an initiative that seeks to give greater visibilitylity à deaf community in Brazil. This initiative was designed to encourage awareness measures about the problems faced by the community deaf in Brazil, in addition to serving as a moment to honor her and encourage measures for the benefit of her representatives.

The choice of the month of September was deliberate, as it celebrates important dates for the Brazilian deaf community.. Some of them are:

  • September 20th to 26th: International Week of the Deaf — commemorative week established by the World Federation of the Deaf;

  • September 23 — International Sign Language Day;

  • September 26th — National Day of the Deaf;

  • September 30th — International Day of the Deaf and International Day of Translators and Interpreters.

Furthermore, in our country, September 1st was marked as the day of promulgation of law nº 12,319. This law regulated the profession of Libras interpreter in Brazil. Libras is the Brazilian Sign Language, used in deaf communication.

Important:Many highlight a negative date in the history of the deaf community, not only in Brazil, but around the world. We are talking about the Milan Congress, held between the 6th and 11th of September 1880. Many claim that this event was a negative milestone in the history of the deaf community because it determined that the Teaching the deaf should be done exclusively orally, prohibiting the use of signs in their training educational. Later, the decision taken at this event was considered a big mistake.

Also access: Day of the Blind (December 13) — date created in order to reduce prejudice and discrimination against blind people

Importance of Blue September

The Blue September he has great importance in relation to the visibility of the Brazilian deaf community and seeks to be a period for promoting actions that The answer, bringing debates about its problems and challenges, about public policies that can serve it, and about how the population should become aware of the right to inclusion of deaf people in society as a all.

Why choose the color blue for Blue September?

Blue color was rescued as a symbol of deaf resistance in the Nazi context and as a way of honoring those who were victims of violence nthis context. This is because there was a eugenics program established by the Nazis in Germany during the 1930s and continued with the beginning of the Second World War (1939-1945). This program was related to the Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases, created with the purpose of “purifying” the German race.

Over time, this law allowed thousands of people with physical disabilities and hereditary illnesses to be executed by the government. These executions were publicized as if they were euthanasia, but in fact, they were murders. Among the “diseases” that the law mentioned was hereditary deafness. Like this, deaf people were one of the targets of the eugenics law created by the Nazis.

It is estimated that 275,000 people were killed by the Aktion T4 program, which established the execution of people with physical or mental disabilities. The victims of this program were killed in gas chambers and forced to wear a blue band as a form of identification. Therefore, the blue stripe represented some deficiency in the Nazis' eugenicist perspective. The color blue currently has great importance in deaf representation.


UFMG. Blue September. UFMG, [n.d.]. Available in:

IFNMG. Blue September. Did you know? IFNMG, 2021. Available in:

UNIFAP. Blue September: history and rights of deaf people. Unifap, 2021. Available in:

ALBUQUERQUE, Roberto Chacon de. The Hereditary Disease Prevention Act and the Euthanasia Program during World War II. CEJ Magazine, v. 12, no. 30, 43-51, 2008. Available in:

Source: Brazil School -

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