Back on the small screen: after 3 years, one of Netflix's most popular series may return

With a remarkable 100% approval rating from critics on RottenTomatoes, the “Arcane” series appears as a true treasure in the catalog ofNetflix.

The production stands out impressively, even surpassing HBO Max's acclaimed “The Last of Us” when it comes to receiving high marks for a television video game adaptation, achieving a solid 96% rating positive.

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Arcane won the hearts of audiences and critics with its captivating and visually stunning narrative. With its perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes, it has established itself as one of the best choices for lovers of engaging and impactful stories.

The feat is remarkable, especially when compared to the success of The Last of Us, which also received acclaim for its video game adaptation for the small screen.

Inspired by the renowned game “League of Legends”, the series was present on all lists of the best attractions of 2021, emerging as one of the biggest surprises of the year.

Before its release, few could have predicted the ability of this Netflix production to captivate such a wide audience, but as the series unfolded, its stunning animation, captivating characters and engaging storyline won the hearts of viewers across the world. world.

New season of 'Arcane' will arrive soon, but there is no date yet

In fact, Arcane's resounding success was crowned with a renewal for a second season, a news that was received with great enthusiasm by fans eager for more adventures in the world of League of Legends.

However, despite the excitement surrounding this long-awaited sequel, some news was recently released that cast a shadow of uncertainty over the future of the series.

The concern of fans of the series is about to be tested, as the first season was released almost two years ago and the wait for the sequel will not come to an end anytime soon.

Unfortunately, the good news is accompanied by a bit of impatience, as we'll have to wait another year for the story to unfold.

In any case, it was revealed during a “Tencent Vidio V Vision” conference that the second season of animated series is set to debut on Netflix sometime between October and December 2024.

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