Is it possible to reverse gray hair? Science offers surprising answers

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One of the great aesthetic dilemmas of aging is the appearance of White hair. For some people, this natural and inevitable process is a negative sign of aging. Therefore, they avoid at all costs these strands from growing and being displayed.

At the same time, several scientific studies are dedicated to understanding the process of changing pigmentation in hair strands.

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However, can any procedure prevent the emergence ofwhite threads? At least, the web is full of methods and ideas to prevent them from appearing.

According to Gabriel Cortez, a dermatologist specializing in trichology, in the scientific sphere “there are reports of cases with reversal of gray hair with the use of various medications, such as chemotherapy (immunotherapy) for skin cancer of the type melanoma. However, the risks of these therapies do not compensate for the effect of reversing gray hair”, he warns.

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The dermatologist also explained that this reversal It does not work for all patients who use chemotherapy drugs.

In any case, the quest to maintain hair pigmentation is an ongoing challenge for people, whether using scientific methods or alternative ones taken from the internet.

(Image: Freepik/Reproduction)

Is it possible to reverse gray hair?

Despite the lack of scientific proof, several techniques appear as reversal options. Among the suggested products are: vitamin supplements, controlled medications and even treatments that study genetics.

However, according to a study by the University of California, science has not yet been able to identify a procedure capable of safely promoting hair repigmentation.

Even so, the most advanced research on the topic was carried out by New York University, in the United States. The analysis suggests the use of stem cells as a solution to maintain hair color.

The experiment used melanocyte stem cells (McSC), present in the hair pigmentation process. For researchers, the study offers important results for the analysis of gray hair.

If the testing mechanisms work, the research will find the solution to reverse or avoid the process of aging of human hair.

While the search for a solution to gray hair is understandable, it's crucial to have realistic expectations. To date, science continues to analyze methods and does not offer a definitive answer for reversing gray hair.

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