Hypovitaminosis. Hypovitaminosis - Lack of vitamins

the vitamins they are important organic compounds for the growth and functioning of the cell, being fundamental, therefore, for the development of the organism. Its deficiency causes serious illnesses, which are generically called avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis.

The deficiency of a certain vitamin is directly related to a diet with few nutrients. However, it is important to note that prolonged diarrhea and nausea, absorption problems and other illnesses can also lead to a lack of these nutrients.

Hypovitaminosis A

the lack of vitamin A, without a doubt, it is one of the most worrying, being considered a public health problem by the World Health Organization (WHO). It usually affects people with low socioeconomic status and who do not have access to healthy food and the necessary amount of nutrients.

In children, hypovitaminosis A represents a serious problem, as it triggers growth retardation and an increase in the chances of infections. It is noteworthy, however, that the main problem of this vitamin deficiency is related to the eyes, as it is responsible for causing

night blindness, xerosis, xerophthalmia and even total blindness.

Hypovitaminosis B1

THE vitamin B1, also called thiamine, acts on the energy metabolism of carbohydrates. A deficiency in this vitamin causes a disease known as beriberi, which presents as clinical manifestations insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite, difficulty respiratory, edema in the lower limbs, skin sensations such as tingling, and insufficiency cardiac arrest.

Hypovitaminosis B3

Vitamin B3 deficiency, also called niacin, causes a disease known as pellagra, that mainly affects people who live in regions where the diet is low in nutrients. Pellagra is known as the three “D” disease because it causes dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia.

Hypovitaminosis B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency rarely occurs due to dietary deficiency, and is usually triggered by a deficiency of the intrinsic factor, which is responsible for the absorption of the vitamin. This hypovitaminosis is serious and causes problems such as megaloblastic anemia, diarrhea, memory disorders, depression, psychosis, hallucinations, balance problems and even coma.

Hypovitaminosis C

the deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease called scurvy, which is relatively rare these days. Scurvy causes pallor, fever, anorexia, bleeding gums, pain in the lower limbs and anemia.

Hypovitaminosis D

THE vitamin D it is directly related to the maintenance of calcium and phosphorus concentrations in the body. Therefore, its deficiency causes problems in the development of bones and teeth.

O rickets it is the clinical form of hypovitaminosis D and is characterized by inadequate bone mineralization. When it affects adults, vitamin D deficiency triggers the weakening of bones (osteomalacia) and causes deformities in these structures. In addition to bone problems, this hypovitaminosis can trigger growth problems, dental problems, sweating and muscle hypotonia.

Hypovitaminosis E

THE vitamin E, due to its high antioxidant power, is related to combating oxidative stress. Its deficiency causes hemolytic anemia and other problems such as neurological deficiency, decreased immunity and irritability.

Hypovitaminosis K

THE vitamin K acts mainly on blood clotting; therefore, its deficiency is related to the increase in bleeding time without coagulation, thus causing hemorrhages. Among the causes of this deficiency, in addition to inadequate nutrition, the use of medicines, changes in intestinal absorption and large doses of vitamin A and E, which act contrary to the vitamin K.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/hipovitaminose.htm

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