Crab spider: where it lives, dangers, bite

Tarantula It is an arachnid that stands out for having a body covered in bristles and being the largest among spiders. There are around 900 different species of crab spiders, which differ, among other characteristics, by their color. Some crabs have a brown body; others, black; some, red; and there are even blue crab trees.

Crab spiders are carnivorous and feed on different species, including large prey such as bats and birds. Despite being large and causing fear in many people, in general, these arthropods do not cause serious accidents. It is worth noting, however, that the stinging bristles can cause irritation and allergies.

Read too: Armada spider — venomous species found throughout Brazil

Summary about crab spider

  • They are large spiders with a body covered in stinging bristles.

  • There are around 900 different species of crab spiders in the world.

  • Its bite rarely causes serious accidents.

  • Its stinging bristles can trigger strong allergic reactions.

Characteristics of the crab spider

Crab spiders

are invertebrate animals of the group of Arthropods known as the biggest spiders in the world. There are around 900 different species spread across the world, of which 300 are Brazilian.

Due to the fact that crab spider is not an exclusive name for a species, we observed some differences when we analyzed different crab spiders. However, in general, we can describe some basic characteristics of them. One of these striking characteristics is their size, with some reaching more than 25 cm in wingspan. These spiders have stinging and sensory bristles that cover their body.

The color of these spiders is varied, making it possible to observe individuals with brown, black, red and even blue coloration, this being the case of Poecilotheria metallica (picture below). Some species have stains, which form designs in the cephalothorax and abdomen region.

Like this other arthropods, the crabs change their exoskeleton. Some species stop switching in adulthood, while others continue at irregular intervals. The life expectancy of these animals is different between males and females. In some species, females can live 20 years, while males, only four.

Some crab trees have a rare beauty, which attracts the attention of animal traffickers.

Crab spider feeding

Like other spiders, the spider crab It is a carnivorous animal. In its diet, depending on the species, insects, small birds, bats, mice, among others, can be found.

See too: Different types of animal feeding

Do crab spiders have venom?

Yes. Crab spiders are poisonousHowever, the accidents caused by them are not usually serious. They are nocturnal, leaving their hiding places at night to hunt or reproduce. They are generally found in burrows, under rocks and/or tree bark.

When it comes to behavior, crab spiders tend to be shy and avoid humans. Nonetheless, in some situations, they can be aggressive.

Crab spider bite

Crab spiders are virtually harmless when left undisturbed. In general, the bite occurs when people try to handle the animal. Its bite can cause painat the site, itching, swelling, skin redness, burning, cramps and muscle spasms. It is extremely rare for a crab spider bite to cause a serious accident.

It is important to highlight that these spiders have stinging bristles which are released when the animal feels threatened. To do this, the spider rubs its legs against its abdomen in order to release the bristles. These bristles can provoke allergic reactions serious and even fatal, when the individual is allergic.

Close-up view of the body of a crab spider covered in bristles.
The crab spider has a body full of stinging bristles that can cause allergic reactions.

Due to the presence of stinging bristles, which come off easily, It is recommended that these spiders are not killed, for example, with flip-flops. This action can cause several bristles to be released into the environment, favoring the occurrence of allergies. The main recommendation is that the specimen be picked up with a shovel and placed in a more distant location.

Know more: Are venomous animals and poisonous animals the same thing?

Crab spider as a pet

Some people have a peculiar taste when it comes to pets. It is becoming more common every day to opt for animals such as lizards, snakes and even crabs to replace dogs and cats.

However, taking care of such an unusual animal is not an easy task, and it is essential knowlink well and look for a specialized veterinarian to learn all the necessary care for him. Among the points that the breeder of a crab tree needs to be aware of, the following stand out: the choice of the species that will be bred; the ideal terrarium for her; the temperature suitable for it; the form and frequency of your diet; as well as care during exoskeleton exchange.

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