If you have already done any blood count completed and were curious to take a look at the results, you must have come across the triglyceride level. They are a form of fat present in the blood.
The problem is that very high levels of this substance can trigger several serious health problems. Among them, cardiovascular diseases, such as blocked veins or accumulation of fat in the liver. In more serious cases, the patient may even have a Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA).
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One of the great dangers of high triglyceride indices is the absence of symptoms. If the patient does not have regular check-ups, they will possibly not discover rates outside of the healthy range.
However, our skin can give some signs that something is wrong in our body. See below some possible consequences of this change in the blood.
4 possible responses from high triglycerides exposed on the skin
1. Itch
Some people with high fat levels may experience some itchy skin. In this case, it is very important to see a dermatologist to investigate.
After all, it is a very broad symptom, which can be linked to a multitude of causes. Some are even psychosomatic.
(Photo: Shutterstock/Reproduction)
2. Dry and peeling skin
Another possible reaction of our skin, when we have unregulated triglyceride levels. Just like itching, it should also be investigated whether this sign is not linked to another cause, such as a simple dry weather.
3. Xanthomas
Xanthomas are small deposits of fat accumulated in the form of “bags”. They can appear on the elbows, knees, hands and feet. They may also be linked to high cholesterol levels. Further investigation with your doctor is necessary.
4. adipose panniculus
Adipose panniculus consists of skin with a swollen appearance, mainly in the abdominal region. It is also one of the symptoms that may be linked to high triglyceride levels.
How to prevent?
Health professionals always warn about the consequences of high triglycerides — some of them we mentioned at the beginning of this article. There are still some tips on what to do to prevent and/or reverse the situation:
Control your weight;
Exercise regularly;
Maintain a healthy diet, avoiding fatty foods, refined sugars and white flour;
Cut out or at least reduce alcohol and cigarettes;
Get regular checkups;
In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medication, take it correctly.
Graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.