THESE 6 signs that appear on your nails indicate health problems; check out

Our nails are often neglected when it comes to health care, but the truth is that they can be important indicators of our health. well-being general.

Observing them regularly can reveal clues about possible health problems and nutritional deficiencies. In this article, we will explain six warning signs that your nails may present and what they indicate about your health.

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1. Brittle and fragile nails

When they are constantly brittle and fragile, it can be a sign of a deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals, such as biotin, iron and zinc. These nutrients play a fundamental role in nail health and resistance.

Additionally, brittle nails can be an indication of excessive exposure to water and harsh chemicals, such as detergents, which dry them out.

2. White spots

White spots can be more than just a sign of uneven enamel. They often indicate a range of problems, such as trauma to the nail matrix, fungal infections or a zinc deficiency.

If these spots persist or appear frequently, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis.

3. Yellow or thick nails

Yellow or thick nails tend to be a symptom of a fungal infection in the region, also known as onychomycosis. This condition is common and can develop due to prolonged exposure to humid environments.

Yellow nails can also be a sign of more serious conditions, such as respiratory problems or diabetes. If you notice this sign, it is important to seek medical advice to determine the underlying cause.

(Image: disclosure)

4. Dark or black lines

The appearance of these lines under the nails should be taken seriously, as they usually indicate the presence of subungual melanoma, a rare form of skin cancer.

Although not every dark line is cancerous, it is crucial to have a medical examination to rule out this possibility. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of effective treatment.

5. Cracked nails with longitudinal grooves

If the region has cracks accompanied by longitudinal grooves, this may be a sign of dehydration and natural aging.

However, in some cases, these cracks are related to underlying health problems, such as psoriasis or arthritis.

It is advisable to consult a doctor if you suspect that your cracked nails may be more than just a result of aging.

6. Blue nails

A bluish tint is often an indicator of blood oxygenation problems. This can be caused by breathing problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or congestive heart failure.

If your nails are consistently blue, it is crucial to see a doctor to evaluate your condition. health cardiovascular and respiratory.

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