Find out when the second installment of the 13th of the INSS will be released

Soon, the release of the second installment of the 13th salary from the INSS (Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social), bringing financial relief to many retirees, pensioners and insured persons of other aid in the Brazil.

The first installment of the Christmas bonus was released earlier this year, along with the benefit for the month of May.

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In this article, you can find the main information about the payment of this benefit. Read next!

See too: INSS changes contribution amount paid by self-employed; know more

Installments of the 13th INSS salary

The first installment was released between May 25th and June 7th. This payment corresponded to 50% of the total amount of the benefit and was made without any discount.

The second installment, which begins to be released between June 26th and July 7th, may suffer some discounts, such as Income Tax.

In all, approximately R$ 62.6 billion will be allocated to these payments, which vary between the minimum wage of R$ 1,320 (one minimum wage) and R$ 7,507.49, the amount corresponding to the INSS ceiling.

advance payment

The anticipation of the INSS 13th salary was implemented for the first time in 2020, during the Jair Bolsonaro government, as a way to stimulate the Brazilian economy in the midst of the crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since then, the payment of the 13th, which usually occurred between the months of August and November, began to be made in the first half of the year.

In 2023, the Lula government maintained the authorization for the early release of the annual allowance, maintaining the strategy adopted in previous years.

13th salary calendar

The payment of the bonus will be made according to the end of the beneficiary's benefit number, without considering the digit after the dash.

Beneficiaries are divided into two groups for receipt: those who earn a minimum wage and those who receive higher amounts.

Insureds who receive a minimum wage will have the payment of the second installment of the 13th INSS salary made between June 26th and July 7th, according to the end of their benefit.

Insured persons who receive more than one minimum wage will have the payment made between the 3rd and 7th of July, also according to the last number of their benefit code.

With the release of the second installment of the INSS 13th salary, millions of Brazilians will be able to count on this resource to alleviate the budget, pay debts or carry out investments.

In any case, it is essential that beneficiaries pay attention to the payment schedule in order to better plan the use of this benefit.

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