Registration open: competition for the Chamber of Deputies has salaries starting at R$ 26,000

If you are thinking of taking part in a public tender, stay tuned, as the registration for the competition of the Chamber of deputies. In total there are 4 different notices for different areas with different specializations.

Registration began yesterday, Monday (28), from 4 pm, with a total of 140 immediate vacancies being released. In addition, there will also be reserve records for possible vacancies that may open in the coming years, according to the validity of the public notice.

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ATTENTION, concurseiros: Inmetro notice will be published in October!

Developed countries provide 'excellence' to technical education

Opportunities offered by public tenders guarantee salaries between R$ 26,100 to R$ 34,800, depending on the position chosen.

Check out, below, the public notices released and the vacancies announced for the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília (DF).

See the details of the publications

All vacancies made available through public notices are for the Brasília region. However, the tests will be held in December in all Brazilian capitals.

The period of validity of the public tender is 2 years, counted from the moment of the release of the results and with a single maximum extension of two more years, totaling 4 years of validity.

Public Tender Notices:

  • The first public notice refers to vacancies for legislative analyst, with the attributions for accountant, legislative informatics and technician in material and assets, which can be accessed here;

  • The second refers to the positions of legislative analyst, with duties for social worker, nurse, pharmacist and doctor, which can be accessedhere;

  • The third public notice refers to opportunities for legislative analysts, with assignments to legislative technicians, with access here;

  • The fourth and last public notice refers to legislative analyst vacancies, with attribution for consultancy (Legislative and Budget Consultancy and Financial Inspection) with access here.

(Image: publicity)


For the attributions of: accountant, technician in legislative informatics, technician in material and heritage, social worker, nurse, pharmacist and legislative technician, the starting salary is BRL 26,196.30, for a workload equivalent to 40 hours a week.

For the attribution of a doctor in the public tender, the remuneration is BRL 26,196.30 for a weekly workload of 30 hours in total. In this way, it is the lowest workload among the positions offered.

For legislative consultant or budget and financial inspection consultant assignments, the starting salary is BRL 34,812.19. The workload is 40 hours a week, as well as in other functions (except doctors).

Contest Tests

For all positions there will be the application of a discursive test and an objective one. However, depending on the specialty chosen, other steps may be applied.

The announcement was officially announced on August 23rd and the registration period runs from August 28th to October 4th.

In addition, the tests will be held in two sundays of subsequent weeks, with the first phase on December 3rd and the second on December 10th.

Therefore, do not forget to set the dates and carry out the necessary procedures for your participation.

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