Word class exercises for 6th grade

Practice what you've learned about each of the 10 word classes: noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, article, numeral, preposition, conjunction, interjection, and adverb. At the end, check the commented answers.

question 1

In which of the alternatives are all words nouns?

a) Sun, sunflower, foliage, joy

b) Earth, umbrella, happy, Brazilian

c) shoal, class, constellation, first

d) first, early, win, winner

e) Uhu!, Psst!, Yay!, Wow!

Answer explained

Sun, sunflower, foliage and joy are nouns:

sun - proper noun

sunflower - compound noun

foliage - derived noun (derives from leaf)

joy - abstract noun

The remaining words are sorted into:

b) Maria and umbrella are nouns, happy and Brazilian are adjectives.

c) shoal, class, constellation are nouns, first is a numeral.

d) first is a numeral, early is an adverb, winning is a verb, winning is an adjective.

e) Uhu!, Psst!, Yay! it's ours! are interjections.

question 2

Considering the classification of the highlighted nouns, indicate the correct alternatives.

i. A Earth got wet after the rain. (derived noun)

II. found the treasure buried in the land. (primitive noun)

III. A sale of Sr. João is for sale. (abstract noun)

IV. A sale of cars increased in the last semester. (concrete noun)

v. A Earth it is also called the "Blue Planet". (proper noun)

a) nouns are classified correctly in all sentences.

b) nouns are classified correctly only in sentence V.

c) the nouns are classified correctly only in sentence II.

d) the nouns are not classified correctly in any of the sentences.

e) n.d.a.

Answer explained

Earth is a proper noun, because it names something specific - the planet Earth.

All other classifications are wrong, because:

i. The earth became wet after the rain. (earth is a primitive noun)

II. Found the treasure buried in the earth. (buried is a derived noun - it derives from earth)

III. Mr. João's sale is for sale. (in this case, vended is a concrete noun - we can replace it with the word “store”)

IV. Car sales increased in the last semester. (in this case, sale is an abstract noun)

question 3

Complete the text below.

“When I was a boy, ____________________ (verb to believe in the imperfect tense of the indicative) in witches, wicked women who spent all their time ____________________ (gerund of the verb machinar) perverse things. My friends also believed in it. The proof for us ____________________ (verb to be in the imperfect tense of the indicative) a very old woman, a spinster who lived in a small house falling apart at the end of our street. Her name was Ana Custódio, but we only ____________________ (verb to call in the imperfect tense of the indicative) of "witch".”

(Excerpt from the short story Witches don't exist, by Moacyr Scliar)

“When I was a boy, believed into witches, wicked women who spent all their time scheming wicked things. My friends also believed in it. The proof for us it was a very old woman, a spinster who lived in a dilapidated little house at the end of our street. Her name was Ana Custódio, but we only we called of "witch".

question 4

Rewrite the text below using the present tense tense.

"All it was left good. took me to the hospital, the doctor plastered my leg and in a few weeks I was recovered. Since then, I left to believe in witches. AND I became great friend of a lady who lived in my street, a very nice lady who called Ana Custodio.”

(Excerpt from the short story Witches don't exist, by Moacyr Scliar)

"All will stay good. they will take me to the hospital, the doctor will plaster my leg and in a few weeks I I will be recovered. Since then, I will leave to believe in witches. AND I will become great friend of a lady who will live in my street, a very nice lady who call the Ana Custodio.”

The mesoclisis (use of the pronoun in the middle of the verb) must be used with verbs in the present tense. Thus, the forms took me and I became and they will take me and become me.

question 5

In the text below, identify the adjective classified as relative superlative degree. Then rewrite it in the superlative absolute analytic and synthetic degrees.

"And then, time passed.
And like everyone else,
the crazy boy grew up.
He grew up and became a nice guy!
became the nicest guy
of the world!
But a really nice guy!
And that's when
everyone found out
that he
had not been
he had been was
a happy boy!"

(Excerpt from Menino Maluquinho, by Ziraldo)

Relative superlative degree: the nicest guy in the world.

Analytical absolute superlative degree: Extremely nice guy.

Synthetic absolute superlative degree: nice guy.

question 6

In which of the alternatives are all adjectives uniform?

a) amateur, sane, complete

b) audacious, bad, quiet

c) white, raw, bad

d) agricultural, competent, fragile

e) common, exemplary, European

Answer explained

Examples: agricultural company - agricultural worker, competent employee - competent employee, fragile glass - fragile glass.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) amateur, sane and complete are biform adjectives (amateur video - amateur scene, complete work - complete lesson, sane man - sane woman)

b) audacious and bad are uniform adjectives, but tranquil is biform (peaceful sleep - peaceful night)

c) white and raw are biform adjectives (white coat - white shirt, raw fish - raw food); only bad is uniform.

e) common and exemplary are uniform adjectives, but European is biform (European country - European nation)

question 7

“He was an impossible boy! The best thing in the world in the crazy boy's house was when he came home from school. The briefcase and books always arrived flying first.”

(Excerpt from Menino Maluquinho, by Ziraldo)

The highlighted words in the text above are, respectively:

a) cardinal numeral, preposition, indefinite article, ordinal numeral, preposition in

b) indefinite article, preposition de + article a, definite article, ordinal numeral, preposition em + article a

c) indefinite article, preposition de + article a, definite article, multiplicative numeral, preposition em + article a

d) preposition, preposition de + article a, definite article, ordinal numeral, preposition em + article a

e) numeral, preposition de + article a, definite article, numbers, preposition em + article a

Answer explained

um: in this case it is indefinite article because it doesn't specify the boy who was impossible, but it generalizes (an impossible boy). It could also be a cardinal numeral if counting the number of boys.

da: it is a contraction, as it is combining the preposition “de” with the article “a”.

os: is the definite article, because it is specifying the boy's books.

first: it is an ordinal numeral, because it is indicating the order of a sequence.

na: it is a contraction, as it is combining the preposition “em” with the article “a”.

question 8

Classify the highlighted pronouns in the sentences below.

a) He spoke with you?
b) Had the punishment what deserved.
w) Our graduation was exciting.
d) Nobody write like her.
e) I will buy This one book.

a) Contigo is a personal pronoun of the oblique case, because it completes the verb to speak.

b) Which is a relative pronoun, because it is referring to the noun punishment.

c) Nossa is a possessive pronoun, because it conveys the idea of ​​possession.

d) Nobody is an indefinite pronoun, because it is not specifying who writes it.

e) This is a demonstrative pronoun, because it is indicating the position of the book in relation to the speaker (the book is close).

question 9

Mark the correct alternative about the classification of the highlighted numerals.

a) I have said this three hundred times. (multiplicative)

b) It won first place. (cardinal)

c) He ate half the cake by himself. (cardinal)

d) It took twice as long to arrive. (fractional)

e) Buy one cake, not two. (cardinal)

Answer explained

If the sentence were just “Buy a cake.”, “one” could be vaguely indicating the cake, that is, any cake. However, the presence of “two” indicates quantity.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) Three hundred is cardinal, because it indicates quantity.

b) First is ordinal, because it indicates order of a sequence.

c) Half is fractional, because it indicates a part of a whole.

d) Double is multiplicative, because it indicates increase through multiples.

question 10

All sentences have additive conjunctions, that is, that express sum, except:

a) Read and write all day.

b) Speaks, but also knows how to listen.

c) Do not tie or untie

d) I don't do that even if the Pope asks me to.

e) Earn, but also spend at will.

Answer explained

It is a concessive conjunction, because it is expressing a fact contrary to the main clause (I don't do that).

question 11

Complete the sentences with interjections.

a) ____________________ Look at the hole.
b) ____________________ We should not talk in the library.
c) ____________________ I can't believe I managed to finish.
d) ____________________ I'm stuck. Please get me out of here.
e) ____________________ I got burned.
f) ____________________ I hadn't seen you there.
g) ____________________ Tomorrow is a holiday!
h) ____________________ We won!

a) Watch out! (or Attention!) Look at the hole.
b) Psst! (Shh!, Silence!, Quiet!) We are not supposed to talk in the library.
c) Whew! (or Gosh!) I can't believe I managed to finish it.
d) Help! I'm stuck. Please get me out of here.
and there! (or Woah!) I got burned.
f) Wow! (or Gosh!, Damn!) I hadn't seen you there.
g) Yay! (or Viva!) Tomorrow is a holiday!
h) Woo! We won!

question 12

Identify the adverbs in the sentences below and classify them.

a) After all, this is very easy.
b) I'm here.
c) I will not.
d) Yes, I will.
e) I'll talk to you later.
f) Where are you going?
g) Maybe one day I will forget what happened.

a) After all, this is very easy. (intensity)
b) I am here. (place)
sky no I go. (denial)
d) Yes, I go. (affirmation)
It is) After I talk to you. (order)
f) Where are you going? (interrogative)
g) Perhaps one day forget what happened. (doubt)

question 13

Identify the alternative in which an adverb is not part of the group.

a) yes, really, discreetly

b) well, badly, carefully

c) a lot, too much, enough

d) today, shortly, later

e) maybe, possibly, probably

Answer explained

Yes and really are adverbs of affirmation. Discreetly is an adverb of manner.

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) well, badly and carefully are adverbs of manner;

c) much, too much and quite are adverbs of intensity;

d) today, brief and after are adverbs of time.

e) maybe, possibly and probably are adverbs of doubt.

Read too:

  • Exercises on verbs for 6th grade (with feedback)
  • Word class exercises
  • The 10 word classes or parts of speech

FERNANDES, Marcia. Word class exercises for 6th grade.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-classes-de-palavras-6-ano/. Access at:

See too

  • Word class exercises
  • Reading Interpretation Activities for 6th Grade
  • Exercises on verbs for 6th grade (with feedback)
  • Noun Exercises
  • The 10 word classes or parts of speech
  • Exercises about adjectives
  • Text interpretation exercises
  • Exercises on articles (with explained answers)
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