Meaning of Corpus Christi (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Corpus Christi means body of Christ. Is religious party of the Catholic Church that aims to celebrate the mystery of the eucharist, the sacrament of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

the party of Corpus Christi it always takes place 60 days after Easter Sunday or on the Thursday following the Sunday of the Holy Trinity, alluding to Holy Thursday when Jesus instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Read more about the meaning of Eucharist and Easter.

O Corpus Christi it's not a national holiday, having been classified by the federal government as Facultative point. This means that the employer defines whether or not employees work on that day, and is not obliged to give them the day off.

During this festival festive masses are celebrated and the streets are decorated for the passage of the procession where it is conducted usually by the Bishop, or by the parish priest of the Church, the Blessed Sacrament who is accompanied by crowds of faithful in each city Brazilian.

The tradition of decorating the streets began in the city of Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais. The procession through public roads is a recommendation of the Code of Canon Law which determines the Diocesan Bishop to take the arrangements for the entire celebration to take place, to witness the adoration and veneration for the Most Holy Eucharist.

Origin of Corpus Christi

the party of Corpus Christi it was instituted by Pope Urban IV on September 8, 1264.

The Corpus Christi procession recalls the journey of the people of God, pilgrims, in search of the Promised Land. The Old Testament says that the pilgrim people were fed manna in the desert. With the institution of the Eucharist the people are fed with the very body of Christ.

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