Is it possible to eat HEALTHY fried chicken? With THIS recipe, yes

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For those who are diet, but also in the mood for chicken, there's a way to prepare it withless calories. Thus, it will be possible to maintain the food balance and satisfy the palate, with few ingredients.

The recipe stands out because it keeps items like egg, wheat flour and the chicken itself, but instead of being prepared directly in oil, it is baked in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

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The estimated time for you to eat the desired roll of Roast Chicken with less calories is 55 minutes, counting the resting time after the dish comes out of the oven. Check out how to prepare this dish!

What ingredients does the less caloric chicken take?

As we said earlier, some key items remain. This way, you will need:

  • 320 g of chicken breast fillet;

  • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs;

  • 1/2 cup wheat flour;

  • 1/4 teaspoon of paprika;

  • 1 egg;

  • Lemon;

  • Salt;

  • Pepper;

  • sweet paprika;

  • About 8 thin slices of prosciutto;

  • About 8 thin slices of mozzarella cheese;

  • Oil;

  • Plastic-film.

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(Image: publicity)

Now, see how to prepare this delight

Mix the breadcrumbs with the paprika and set aside on a plate. Done that, put the wheat flour on another plate. Beat the egg, add a little water to it and separate into another container.

With those three components (egg, flour, and breadcrumbs) already separated, the next step is to add salt and pepper to the flour and egg.

After that, cut the chicken breast into fillets. Wrap each steak in two sheets of plastic wrap and use the flat part of the meat batter to make the chicken very thin.

So, you should place the fillets on plastic wrap and add pepper, salt and paprika to taste. On top of the fillets, you need to add a slice of ham and a slice of cheese.

Roll the fillets into a roll. At this point, the plastic film itself will help. Leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes, and in the meantime, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

After the period in the fridge, pass the rolls in wheat flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Finally, place them on a tray, grease them with a little oil and bake for 30 minutes.

That will be enough time for the cone to dry. So you can increase the temperature to 220 degrees and turn the chicken rolls. Finally, around 20 minutes later, the recipe will be ready.

Now just taste!

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