Little money to undertake? See 4 profitable franchises considered 'cheap'

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The advancement of hybrid work and online business has brought new characteristics to the life inside, in order to provide several income options.

This is because, more and more, business networks have seen in smaller cities an opportunity to expand their businesses, using microfranchises, with an initial investment of up to R$ 135 thousand, which facilitate the entry of new entrepreneurs in Marketplace.

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15 franchise ideas to start your own business right now

Extensive business growth

These data show that the interior of the country has stood out as a favorable environment for business growth. Companies are finding in smaller cities an opportunity to expand their operations and reach an audience that has so far been little explored.

This growth trend in the interior offers promising opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to invest in successful franchises. Based on that, now meet some of the franchises that are worth the investment!

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1. CredFácil Franchise

With more than 1,020 units spread across Brazil, the brand has established itself as a reference in the sector since its founding in 2004 and the beginning of the franchise in 2008.

The success of the CredFácil Franchise lies in its innovative proposal and its ability to meet the financial needs of its customers.

With an initial investment starting at BRL 19,997 thousand, entrepreneurs have the chance to obtain an estimated return of between 6 and 8 months, which makes it an excellent business opportunity.

2. Maria Gasoline Franchise

The Maria Gasoline Franchise is revolutionizing the sector of autonomous gourmet mini-markets, serving residential condominiums and companies throughout the country with excellence.

With notable growth since its founding in 2005, the company currently has 105 franchised units in operation and consolidates itself as a leader in this segment.

With an initial investment starting at R$35,000, the Maria Gasoline Franchise offers an affordable opportunity for entrepreneurs wishing to enter the gourmet food market.

In addition, it stands out for its expected return on investment in just 22 months, allowing franchisees to reap the benefits of the business quickly and profitably.

3. Cocoa Show Franchise: a success story that can now be yours!

Cacau Show began its franchise operations in 2001 and has since expanded rapidly across the country. Currently, the brand has more than 4,100 units in different formats, ensuring a wide national presence.

With just R$64,900, you can become the owner of a franchise in an area of ​​just 6 square meters. This value is really low when we consider the profit potential that the brand offers.

And that's not all! Cacau Show also stands out for its quick financial return. With an estimated timeframe of just 7 months, you'll be able to recoup your investment and start reaping the rewards of your hard work in a short amount of time.

4. Dental Company

Odonto Company, a network of dental clinics that is part of the renowned SMZTO Holding of Franchises, is transforming the dentistry market in Brazil.

Currently, it has more than 2,000 units throughout the country, which makes it one of the largest networks of dental clinics in the country. Brazil.

With an initial investment starting at R$ 120,000, Odonto Company presents a business model specially developed for cities with up to 30,000 inhabitants.

With an estimated payback period of between 16 and 20 months, franchising offers the opportunity to obtain incredible returns in a short period of time.
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