IR 2023: Federal Revenue provides consultation to the 4th batch of refunds; look

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A IRS started today (24) the consultation for the fourth batch of income tax refunds Individuals (IRPF) from 2023. Thus, it includes approximately 6.1 million taxpayers who have already submitted their declarations.

With the release of access to the query, they can check whether they have benefited from this batch, which also includes residual refunds from previous years.

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Beneficiaries with priority

The total amount of refunds to be disbursed by the Federal Revenue will be R$ 7.5 billion, covering a total of 6,118,310 people.

Of this amount, only R$ 914,419,749.81 (equivalent to 12.2%) will be allocated to taxpayers who have priority in receipt.

Most of the beneficiaries, around 5.7 million, do not have special priority, but they sent their statements by the stipulated deadline of May 29, which preceded the closure.

Among the beneficiaries with priority, 219,288 informed their Pix key linked to the Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) in the declaration of

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Income tax or used the form of pre-filled declaration.

(Image: publicity)

This inclusion of the Pix key as information in the declaration started to guarantee priority in the refund process this year.

The other priorities fall into categories defined by legal criteria, namely:

  • 11,960 over 80 years old;

  • 86,427 aged between 60 and 79 years old;

  • 9,065 taxpayers with physical or mental disabilities or serious illness;

  • 30,453 whose main source of income is teaching.

How to check your balance

Verification of the results will be available on the official website of the Federal Revenue Service. Taxpayers will be able to access the “My Income Tax” section and then select the “Consult the Refund” option.

If you prefer, this can be done through the Federal Revenue app for mobile devices, available for Android and iOS phones.

The scheduled date for payments is August 31, being made directly into the bank account informed in the income tax return, including the Pix key associated with the CPF.

If the taxpayer is not on the list of beneficiaries, it is advisable to access the Virtual Taxpayer Service Center (e-CAC) and obtain the statement extract.

If any pendency is identified, it is possible to send a rectifying statement and wait for the next analysis batches.

If, for some reason, the refund is not directed to the indicated bank account, as in a situation deactivated accounts, the amounts will remain available for redemption for up to one year at Banco do Brazil.

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