Bolivia. Bolivia data

Bolivia is one of the economically poorest nations in South America, with a high rate of illiteracy and the third lowest Human Development Index (HDI) among South American countries. It borders Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru. It does not have a maritime coastline in its territory.
It is in its territory that the Andes mountain range reaches its maximum width (650 km). It is also where the arid Andean altiplano and the main cities, such as La Paz, the highest capital in the world, with 3636 meters of altitude, are located. In the north and east, the mountains give way to plains covered by the Amazon rainforest and, in the southeast, to the swampy Chaco region.

coat of arms of bolivia

Bolivia data:
Territorial extension: 1,098,581 km².
Location: Midwest of South America
Capitals: La Paz (government and administrative headquarters), Sucre (legal).
Climate: Equatorial (Amazonian depression), mountain (altiplano).
Government: Presidential Republic.
Current President: Evo Morales.
Administrative division: 9 departments.

Languages: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara (official).
Religion: Christianity 94.1% (Catholics 88.3%, Protestants 6.4%, others 4.5%), others 4.1%, no religion and atheism 1.7%.
Population: 9,862,860 inhabitants. (Men: 4,918,071; Women: 4,944,789).
Ethnic Composition: Quinchuas 30%, Aymara 25%, Euramerindian 15%, European Iberian 15%, other 15%.
Demographic density: 8 inhab/km².
Average annual population growth rate: 2%.
Population residing in urban areas: 66.08%.
Population residing in rural areas: 33.92%.
Undernourished population: 22%.
Life expectancy at birth: 65.1 years.
Infant mortality: 66 per 1000 births.
Households with access to drinking water: 86%.
Households with access to the health network: 43%.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.643 (average).
Illiteracy: 15%.
Currency: Bolivian.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$13,120 million.
GDP per capita: US$1.378.
External relations: World Bank, Andean Community, IMF, OAS, WTO, UN, Rio Group, MERCOSUR (associate member).

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Countries of the world - geography - Brazil School

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