Use the microwave to make your dishtowels look like new with this AMAZING trick

Imagine having a homemade solution that can completely transform the way you handle cleaning your dish dishes? The truth is that there is nothing that get over these recipes!

Let's face it, we all "enjoy" techniques that simplify household chores, and this tip certainly fulfills that function brilliantly.

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With frequent use, it is common for dishcloths to become grimy and yellow due to accumulated grease, but the homemade mixture that we are going to present here is the one answer to these problems.

The introduction of the microwave as an ally in this process is a smart addition, making the entire procedure even more effective and practical. You still don't know this recipe?

Let's find out together how to prepare this solution and revolutionize the way we take care of dishtowels!

Make your dish towels new and clean with THIS recipe in the microwave

All you need are three ingredients that are usually available at home: baking soda, white vinegar, and washing powder.

Each of these elements plays a key role in the cleaning process. Vinegar, known for its degreasing and disinfectant properties, takes on this essential task.

Meanwhile, baking soda comes into play to whiten and amplify the action of washing powder.

The elevated temperature of the boiling water, combined with the heating time in the microwave, adds extra cleaning power, ensuring your dish dishes are satisfying.

Method of preparation

Necessary ingredients:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate;
  • 150 ml white alcohol vinegar;
  • Only 2 tablespoons of washing powder.

Step by step:

  1. In a microwave-safe bowl, place the tea towels you want to revitalize and evenly spread the 2 tablespoons of baking soda over them;
  2. After adding these products, take everything to the microwave and let it warm up for about 20 seconds;
  3. After that period, remove the bowl from the oven, add the white alcohol vinegar, the soap powder and the boiling water to the bowl, over the dish towels;
  4. Finally, let the mixture sit for a full day, allowing the ingredients to do their job of cleaning and whitening. After 24 hours, remove the dish towels from the solution and check if the stains really come out.

Alternatively, you can opt for a faster and more effective method:

  1. place the entire cloth with the ingredients in the bowl inside a plastic bag. Place this bag over a microwave-safe plastic pot, then close the bag with a loose knot, allowing air to escape during the microwave process;
  2. Heat the bag in the microwave for 2 minutes, then let it sit in the microwave for 5 minutes. After this period, warm up for another 3 minutes. Very carefully due to the high temperature, remove the bag from the microwave and wait until it cools down a bit;
  3. Rinse the dishtowels under running water, then wash them as usual. After the process, your dishcloths will be whiter and revitalized, ready to face new tasks in the kitchen.

By following these simple steps, you'll see your dishtowels regain their color and quality thanks to this effective and practical homemade mixture.

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