Encceja 2023 newsroom: check out tips!

The Encceja 2023 will be applied next Sunday (27). More of 1 million participants signed up in this exam edition.

With the test, candidates can obtain a certificate of primary and secondary education. Participating in Encceja are students who did not complete these phases of basic education at regular age.

The exam consists of both objective questions and the production of an essay.

Brasil Escola spoke with Deborah Fracischelli Amoni, pedagogue and general director of Curso Evidente, who shared some tips on writing Encceja.

Tips for writing Encceja 2023

Professor Deborah explains that Encceja's editorial office asks applicants to production of a dissertative-argumentative text.

In writing, participants must "present a thesis, arguments and a conclusion consistent with the proposed topic", she points out.

In these days leading up to the test, it is important for candidates to review grammar rules, practice writing different argumentative texts and develop reading skills, recommends Deborah.

According to the pedagogue, it is common for the Encceja essay topic to require students to

reflect on social, environmental or cultural issues, and that they propose solutions to these problems.

Check out: Writing topics that have already been included in Encceja

Encceja writing skills

Check out the necessary skills for the production of the Encceja essay, according to Deborah:

  • Demonstrate mastery of the cultural norm of the Portuguese language;

  • Understand and develop the proposed theme;

  • Build arguments;

  • Propose coherent solutions.

The correction of Encceja's writing considers "criteria such as textual structure, cohesion, coherence and the use of different linguistic resources", completes the educator.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Encceja 2023 exams

Encceja 2023 exams will be applied on the 27th of August, four hours in the morning and five hours in the afternoon.

On the day of the exam, the gates will open, according to the period of realization of the test:

  • In the morning: They open at 8am and close at 8:45am.

  • The afternoon: They open at 2:30 pm and close at 3:15 pm.

The assessment is based on the Reference Matrices available on the Inep portal. Encceja contains four objective tests, based on the level of education (elementary and secondary). Each test consists of 30 objective questions..

Check the composition of Encceja exams at the elementary school level:

Knowledge area

Curricular component



Natural Sciences


9am to 1pm

4 hours



Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing

Portuguese language with writing, English, Spanish, Arts, Physical Education and Writing

3:30 pm to 8:30 pm

5 hours

History and geography

History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology

5 hours

Know the composition of high school level Encceja exams:

Knowledge area

Curricular component



Natural sciences and their technologies

Chemistry, Physics and Biology

9am to 1pm

4 hours

Mathematics and its technologies


Languages, Codes, Technologies and Writing

Portuguese language with writing, English, Spanish, Arts, Physical Education and Writing

3:30 pm to 8:30 pm

5 hours

Human Sciences and their technologies

History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology

5 hours

Result of Encceja 2023

The result of Encceja 2023 will be released on December 22.

To obtain the diploma by Encceja it is necessary:

  • Get a score equal to or greater than 100 points in objective tests;

  • Achieve a 50% pass rate in the essay

The calculation of the objective tests is done according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), the same methodology used in the National High School Examination (Enem).

Find out more details and information at notice of Encceja 2023.

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