The end of 'WhatsApp podcasts': new feature allows audio transcription; look

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O WhatsApp won an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot to transcribe audios of the messaging application.

The tool is also available on Telegram and was created to facilitate interaction with audio messages, especially when you don't have time or don't want to listen to that long audio.

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The new chatbot called LuzIA is a personal assistant and a powerful tool similar to ChatGPT. She also answers questions, writes messages and creates images. But, the main function is to transcribe audios, quickly and simply.

To count on the help of this technology, it is enough to start a conversation for free via a telephone number and forward the audio that needs to be transcribed.

In addition to offering agility in communication, such a chatbot is a resource that helps the accessibility of people with hearing impairments, explained Álvaro Higes, CEO of LuzIA, in an interview with Tecnoblog.

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Developed in Spain, the feature is now available in over 40 countries and you can access it here in Brazil. Check out how to use audio transcription chatbot right now!

LuzIA: new AI feature for WhatsApp and Telegram

(Image: LuzIA/Reproduction)

It is a technology that recognizes speech, with the ability to convert audio into a text message automatically.

So, if you don't like receiving audios or if you can't hear them at the moment, this feature will make sure you know the content.

The most impressive thing about this chatbot is that you don't need to register or download it. To start interacting with LuzIA in Brazil, just contact the number +55 11 97255-3036.

If you prefer, you can also access the resource at Luzia's official website with direct links to WhatsApp and Telegram.

The service is free and available at any time through your preferred messaging application.

Step by step: how to use the LuzIA chatbot on WhatsApp or Telegram

First of all, such AI functionality is free and you don't need to download any apps. To interact with LuzIA, you will need:

  • Add the number +55 11 97255-3036 to your phone contacts;

  • Afterwards, just open WhatsApp or Telegram and search for the LuzIA contact;

  • To use the feature, you must agree to the Privacy Policy;

  • Then forward the audio that needs to be transcribed;

  • You will receive a text message with what was said in the audio.

In the same conversation, you can also ask questions or ask the LuzIA create an image using the “imagine” command, which should be complemented with some details.

LuzIA virtual assistant is a free and interesting AI resource that is available to make your online communication even easier.

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