'Shihweiler': meet the puppy that is the result of crossing between rottweiler and shih-tzu

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Internet user Lenny Sousa, who lives in Fortaleza, Ceará, captivated social networks by sharing an adorable puppy that is the result of the surprising union between a rottweiler and a shih tzu.

This two-month-old pup's name is Chico Theodoro – a name that carries his uniqueness from an early age, and he's already a minor internet celebrity.

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Lenny presented this gem through a video shared on his profile on TikTok (@lenny_sousa19) on Aug. 13, proudly showcasing this adorable creation's parents and, of course, Chico himself.

The story of Chico Theodoro

(Image: publicity – TikTok (@lenny_sousa19))

The mother, a Rottweiler, is a breed known for its confidence, courage and robust appearance. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), they have a short, dense coat and muscular physique.

Rottweilers' loyalty and protective nature make them excellent watchdogs and companions. With intelligence and energy, these dogs need regular exercise and proper socialization from a young age.

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The father is a shih-tzu, a charming little breed known for its lush coat and playful personality.

Described by the AKC as loyal and affectionate companions, shih-tzus form deep bonds with their owners and get along well with other animals and children. However, they do need moderate exercise and special attention to their coat to avoid matting.

What will the puppy look like when it grows up?

(Image: publicity – TikTok (@lenny_sousa19))

Chico, as a puppy, still does not have his appearance completely defined, but his coat already reflects the mother's color. Curiosity now revolves around how he will develop into adulthood.

Generally, Shihweilers have a dense and varied coat in color, in addition to a medium build. Their temperament is also a fusion of the characteristics of the shih-tzu and the rottweiler, being able to be affectionate, protective and loyal.

The sociability of these dogs with other animals and children can vary, highlighting the importance of training and socialization from an early age to balance their qualities.

The genetic combination that gives rise to the Shihweiler results in a distinctive appearance and a unique temperament, making it an interesting companion.

The story of Chico Theodoro, the Shihweiler, shows how the crossing of two different breeds can result in a pet full of strength, loyalty and affection.


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