UNMISSSIBLE service at banks ends today throughout Brazil

The Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) will have the task of renegotiating debts only until this Friday, the 31st. The measure is carried out through a partnership between the Central Bank of Brazil (BC), the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon) and Fenabran.

Millions of Brazilians will be able to renegotiate their debts and get out of the negative situation in which they find themselves. Thus, the agreement can be made directly with the debt financial institution, online or in person. Defaulters must race to lower debts and finally clear their names.

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Negotiations can be done in person at a bank branch or on the websites and applications of each institution. In addition to these channels, the Federal Government's Consumer Portal allows for negotiations. Among the debts that can be negotiated are personal or payroll loans, credit cards and overdraft.

People who have an outstanding debt, with close installments, but up to date with the payment of previous transfers, will not be able to renegotiate the financing so that the debt is smaller.

Banks that participated in the negotiation

Check out the institutions that are offering special conditions for their customers:


At the Santander, discounts can reach 90% and rates are flexible. In addition, the finance company also allows the installment of the debt in up to 120 months.

Bank of Brazil

O BB has discounts ranging from 20% to 95%. Interest can be reduced by up to 15%. In addition, the term for payments can reach 120 months, but “Negocia BB” will only continue until April 30th.


The institution does not have a defined standard for the discounts offered at the fair. The bank analyzes each case separately, offering the best negotiation options according to the reality of each client.

Caixa Econômica Federal

The agreement may be paid in cash or in up to 96 installments. The terms of rebate and payments will be negotiated according to the contract of each client.


At Itaú, customers who choose to pay in cash will have special discounts, but defaulters can pay the debt in installments if they offer a down payment. Interest rates charged vary, but start at 0.5% per month.

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