STUNNING: Pressure cooker bursts and family narrowly escapes; see the video

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Pressure cookers, despite being practical tools in the kitchen, can pose risks. The ability to generate high internal pressure, which speeds up the cooking process, can also result in explosions dangerous if the item is not used carefully.

A recent video was shared on many social networks, which impacted and further increased people's fears regarding the pressure cooker.

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In the recording, it is possible to observe a family preparing a meal, when the pressure cooker, placed on the stove, explodes suddenly.

The woman, who has been cooking, senses the imminent danger and pulls away in time. In a matter of seconds, the pan explodes, causing the man to quickly protect his young daughter, next to him in the room.

Fortunately, the incident caused no injuries to those involved, but material damage was verified, leading to the complete destruction of the kitchen.

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It is surprising to note that the pressure cooker in the event was new and had barely been used, which which emphasizes the importance of not underestimating the care needed when handling this type of utensil.

Pressure cooker wreaks havoc in the kitchen

The video record, captured by the residence's cameras, reveals a harrowing scene in which the woman was in the kitchen, using the pressure cooker to prepare meat.

Upon noticing something wrong, she immediately alerts her husband, who nimbly goes to help his daughter to avoid shards of glass and pot fragments on the child.

Check out the video, which was republished by the portal UOL:

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