Creating mechanisms of public transparency and social control in the area of education is the main purpose of the bill (PL 2755/22), of authored by deputy Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP), in fact, a substitute for the rapporteur, deputy professor Goreth (PDT-AP), through which the governments must make available, electronically, information regarding the federal, state, district and municipal education systems, with data about:
- Number of vacancies available and filled by educational institution, waiting list and reservation of vacancies;
- Scholarships and grants for study and research granted to students, researchers or professors;
- Statistics related to school flow and performance;
- Completed and ongoing research, extension and technological innovation activities or projects, in the case of higher education institutions;
- Physical and financial execution of programs, projects and activities aimed at basic education and higher education financed with public resources, tax waiver or tax, financial or credits;
- Professional and academic curriculum of the occupants of the management position of an educational institution and of the members of the education councils, in compliance with the General Data Protection Law;
- Agendas and minutes of meetings of the National Council of Education and of the education councils of the states and the Federal District.
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Although the project enters into force shortly after its publication in the Official Gazette (DOU), compliance with the determinations by the federated entities should only occur after a period of one year has elapsed.
By highlighting the principle of the right of access to public information on education management, provided for in the Education Guidelines and Bases Law (LDB), the legislative matter explains that parents and guardians of students will be able to access information on quality assessments by public authorities (Enade) or by international organizations (Pisa) in educational institutions private.
On the topic, revenues and expenses, contained in their balance sheets, governments will have to publish, on their pages in the Internet, managed by the education sector, revenues and expenses related to the maintenance and development of the teaching.
For community, confessional or philanthropic schools, the project establishes as a condition for these institutions to receive public funds: do not have, in their board of directors, a political agent of power or Public Prosecutor's Office, leader of a public administration body or entity from any governmental sphere or respective spouse or partner, as well as a direct, collateral or affinity relative, up to the third party degree. With regard to information, such schools should provide data on public financial resources received, and their respective objectives.
As for those certified institutions, such as charitable entities, it will be necessary to prove the certification and the respective period of validity. validity and the number of full and partial grants granted to qualify for certification, as well as the criteria used for its concession.
Based on the Access to Information Law, scientific, technological and innovation institutions (ICTs) will have to account for the public resources they transfer, which must be made accessible to the public.
Specifically, data relating to:
- Own income, agreements or donations from federal educational institutions;
- Management and execution of resources from the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valuation of Education Professionals (Fundeb); It is
- Onlending of public resources to partner educational institutions to offer school education.