MYSTERY: astronomers discover large metallic structure on the Moon; look

Recently, planetary scientists revealed the identification of a impressive lunar structure, spanning more than 300 km deep and weighing about 2.17 billion kilograms.

This intriguing formation aroused suspicion among investigators, who believe it could contain traces of metal from the asteroid responsible for creating one of the largest craters in the entire System Solar.

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The South Pole-Aitken Basin, as it is known, is a remarkable crater and is located on the opposite side of our natural satellite. In 2019, astronomers discovered a hidden mass anomaly under the lunar surface, which provoked great interest.

Since then, this region has become a focal point of exciting investigations, including the exciting Artemis 3 lunar module mission.

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Astronomers discover large structure on the Moon

At the time the puzzling lunar formation came to light, the study was centered on Peter B. James, a researcher at Baylor University.

James revealed that the team achieved this breakthrough by leveraging information from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission probes. NASA.

Such probes are adept at measuring the delicate fluctuations of the lunar gravitational field, allowing scholars to identify this remarkable structure. The contribution of topographic information on the Moon provided by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter was instrumental in the investigation.

Through this integration, it was possible to verify a surprisingly significant presence of mass, located hundreds of kilometers below the South Pole-Aitken Basin, as indicated by the researcher.

(Image: NASA/Reproduction)

As mentioned, the main assumption about the discovery is the possibility that this mass additional arose from metallic material originating from the asteroid that caused the crater to form lunar.

There is an estimate that, around 4 billion years ago, when the asteroid impacted the Moon, instead of penetrating to its core, it may have embedded itself in the bands of the lunar mantle.

Another alternative is related to the process of cooling and solidification of the Moon. The hypothesis raised by the researchers is that, during a phase in which the magma ocean formed and subsequently cooled, concentrations of dense oxides could have occurred.

This complex dynamic could have generated the presence of the identified mass. Due to these and other mysteries that surround it, the South Pole-Aitken Basin has, for a long time, aroused considerable interest among several space scientists.

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