Secondo il “Dizionario Garzanti – Italiano”, gergo means: “typical language of a certain class, professione, groupo: bureaucratic gergo, studentesco, syndicale|(ling) linguaggio convenzionale usage dagli appartenenti a determinate categorie social group per distinguish per non farsi intendere da chi è strange.” / According to “Dizionario Garzanti – Italiano”, slang means: ‘typical language of a certain class, profession, group: bureaucratic, student, union slang | (ling) conventional language used by members of certain categories or social groups to distinguish themselves or not to make themselves understood for who they are strange'.
When speaking in espressioni gergali, if it is confused with the sense of settorial language, it means a language proper to a certain area, come: alla politics, al settore scientifico, alla fisica, alla mathematica ecc. stranger. Osserva sotto, cosa dicono Dardano & Trifone sull’argomento alla grammatica “Grammatica Italiana con nozione di linguistica”. / When talking about slang, there is a lot of confusion with the meaning of
specific language (industry or jargon), which means a language of its own in a given area, such as in politics, in the scientific sector, in physics, in mathematics etc., but it is not a language used by its members to distinguish themselves or not to make themselves understood by who they are strange. See below what Dardano & Trifone say on the subject in the grammar “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica”.See a paragone tra li linguaggio settoriale nella Meccanica and il linguaggio comune / See a comparison between sectorial language in mechanics and common language:
*È with us anche eats nipple all’italian and “niple” al portoghese./ It is also known as “nipple” in Italian and “niple” in Portuguese.
Osservassione: / Note: I mean delle parole alla tabella sopra stanno al “Dizionario Garzanti – Italiano”. / The meanings of the words in the table above are in the “Dizionario Garzanti – Italiano”.
Al testo, abbiamo già southern part concetto di gergo secondo il dizionario, anche sul linguaggio settoriale secondo la grammatica, però devi conoscere veramente cosa means gergo and eat puoi identify it. Vedi sotto cosa dice Patricia Bianchi, al testo “Il gergo – parole in scena.” /In the text, we have already talked about the concept of slang according to the dictionary, also about sectorial language according to the grammar, but you need to really know what slang means and how you can identify it. See below what Patricia Bianchi says in the text “Il gergo – parole in scena.”.
“We can give a prime definition of a gergo as that of a special place (it is rarely attested in this script) adopted per la internal communication of Gruppi Sociali Molto Chiusi, Vincolati of a strong sense of Appartenenza and Poco Inclines a relationship with others community. Infatti il gergo non is almost more use of the gerganti in the presence of the foreign person in the group, but it is used per la normale comunicazione tra gerganti e non risulta adoperato limitedly alla comunicazione illecita o professionale. Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;) Tali gruppi sociali canno that this described as “marginali”: we distinguished tra i gruppi di gerganti quelli di persone legate da un comune mestiere, operanti predominantly in aree rurali, almost always ambulanti (come i calderai, gli arrotini, gli ombrellai), interestingi anche a conserve i segreti dell'arte, and a second settore composed of gruppi i gave vagabondi, i gave malviventi and delinquent, che si ritrovano soprattutto in urban aree. The sociological difference is evident, and there is a richdute anche internal sull’use of the gerghi. (...) Oggi considers il gergo to be a language of the gruppo sotto l'aspetto sociale, and to form a parasitaria sotto l'aspetto più properly linguistic. Infatti il gergo is not an autonomous tutto language, with a self-sufficient code, but it holds in prestito the phonetic and grammatical system of a dialect language ospitus, cioè dalla lingua and dal dialetto della comunità with cui i gerganti interagiscono, with prestiti anche da altre lingue and dialetti.” |
Dopo leggere e comprendere, ciò that it is detto sopra, if it can be conclusive that the gergo is a linguaggio sotto l'aspetto social, and that it is within the common language, that it uses the phonetic and grammatical system of a vera language. If you see the use of the gergo, it is necessary to use it from the group, from the vagabondi, from the malviventi, mafiosi ecc.Vedi alcuni esempi di espressioni gergali./ After reading and understanding what is said above, it can be concluded that slang is a language about the social aspect and that is within the common language, as it uses the phonetic and grammatical system of a language existing. It is seen that the slang is widely used by groups of vagabonds, criminals, mobsters, etc., but it is also used by artisans who want to keep their work secret. See some examples of these expressions:
Calm down! – vuol dire essere tranquillo avere la situazione sotto controllo.
Paglia – vuol dire sigaretta.
Che good! – vuol dire che a donna is sessually attractive.
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Capendo il linguaggio settoriale e il gergo"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.