Meaning: / Meaning: * “Infinite mode of the verb che assumes in forma invaribile and in propozioni secondarie, valore circostanziale rispetto all'azione espressa dalla proposizione principale; in Italian ha due tempi, present (mangiando) and passato (avendo mangiato).” / Infinitive mode of the verb that takes the invariable form and in secondary sentences, circumstantial value in relation to the action expressed by the main sentence; the Italian has two tenses, present (eating) and past (having eaten).
* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.
Come si see, il gerundio ha due tempi: present and past. Vedrai loose adhesion to the tempo passato (la sua formazione)./ As can be seen, the gerund has two tenses: present and past. You will now only see the past tense (your training).
Osservassioni:/ Remarks:
All’italiano il gerundio passato non è molto usato and generally viene sotituto dalle frasi come: ‘he Ha passato all’esame perché he ha studiato.’ All’invece di ‘Avendo studiato ha passato all’esame.
’/ In Italian, the past gerund is not used much and is usually replaced by phrases such as: 'He (a) passed the test because he studied.” instead of: 'Having studied, he/she passed the test.'Please note that the gerundium passes with ESSERE if you do not read the general regulation to the rispetto della agreement./ Don't forget that the gerund composed with the ‘ESSERE’ follows the general rules regarding concordance.
Come formare il gerundio passato? / How to form the compound gerund?
Osserva sotto la formula: / See the formula below:
Gerundio present I gave verbi ESSERE or AVERE + participle passato del verb
Vedi degli esempi: / See some examples:
Aprire - I sellgrip/ Open - having opened
Chiudere – I sellchiuso / Close - having closed
Vedere - I sellvisa / See - having seen
Rimanere - I sellrismasto / Stay (remain) - having stayed or having remained
Floor - beingandato / Go - having gone
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
Fare - I sellsuit / Do - having done
Buy - I sellpurchase / Buy - having bought
Bere - I sellbevy / Drinking – having been drinking
Vedi delle frasi: / See some sentences:
1) beingandati presto sono arrivati a Milano alle 22 ore./ They, having gone early, arrived in Milan at 10 pm.
2) I sellsuit Tutto che voleva al lavoro, Anna is arrivata in ritardo alla cena./ Having done everything she wanted at work, Anna arrived late for dinner.
3) I sellbevy molto alla festa Paolo è rimasto ubbriaco. / Having drunk too much at the party, Paolo got drunk.
4) I sellchiuso le porte non c’ère vento al saloto./ Having closed the doors, there was no wind in the room.
5) I sellvisa quel film ho scoperto che mi piace lo stilo tragico. / Having seen that movie, I found that I like the drama.
6) I sellgrip i negozi sono andata a comprarmi una bella gonna./ Having opened the stores, I went to buy myself a nice skirt.
7) I sellpurchase tutto sono andata a casa./ Having bought everything, I went home.
8) beingrhymed a Roma sono andate più di una return alla Piazza Barberini./ Having stayed in Rome, they went to Piazza Barberini more than once.
Osservassone:/ Note:
If you want to know a po’ di più sull’argoment ‘gerundio’, access the text “Gerundio.”. And if you go to capire sul ‘passage participle’, you can access the text “Participle: present and passato.”/ If you want to know a little more about the subject 'gerund', access the text: "Gerund.”. And if you want to understand about 'past participle', just access the text: "Partition: present and past.”.
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Italian - Brazil School
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Gerundio passato (compound)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.