Indiretti complement: motorbike da luogo and motorbike per luogo

*Singificati: / Meanings:

Moto da luogo: "Complement che indica il luogo da cui ci si muove (p.e. Vengo da casa.)."/ Outgoing movement: ‘Add-on that indicates the place you are moving from (for example: I come from home)’.

Moto per luogo: "Complement che indica il luogo attraverso cui ci si muove (p.e. Siamo partiti per il bosco.)." / Passing movement: ‘Complement that indicates the place through which it is moving (for example: We leave through the woods)’.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

Puntata!/ Tip!

There is also a complement to the luogo moto and moto per luogo, in the Italian language there is anche altri due to the complement to the luogo che only identification comes: stato a luogo and moto a luogo. Sui questi last, it is possible to access the site “Indirect complement: di luogo”. / In addition to the complements of exit movement (displacement) of a place and movement of passage or way, the Italian language has also two other complements of place that are identified as: complement of permanence in a place and movement towards or return. On the latter, it is possible to access the text “Complemento indirect: di luogo” on the website.

Luogo motorcycle / Outgoing movement (displacement)

If conclusive, then aver letto and capital of the significant date of the dictionary, that this complement indicates the name of any qualcuno if it moves ad a point qualsiasi. Interesting sarebbe osservare degli esempi. / It can be concluded, after having read and understood the meaning given by the dictionary, that this complement indicates the place from which someone or something moves to any point. It would be interesting to look at some examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Giulia is partita dall’italy alle dieci. / Giulia left Italy at 10am.

2) Facciamo un brindisi a loro venuta from Naples. / Let's toast their coming from Naples.

3) Siamo usciti go home when law is arrivata. / We left the house when she arrived.

Osserva che tutti i complemented the moto by luogo sono in rosa alle frasi sopra. It is valid to direct that this complement is retto dalle preposizioni ‘di’ and ‘da’. / Note that all outward motion complements (offset) are in pink in the sentences above. It is worth saying that this complement is governed by the preposition ‘of’.

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Motorbike per luogo /Passing or half movement

As a result of this complement, if it is possible to conclude that it indicates that it goes beyond which one person passes. Quindi, if it yields rilevant osservare alcuni esempi. / With respect to this complement, it can be concluded that it indicates the place or place through which a person or something passes. So, it's relevant to look at some examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Per arrivare alla scuola I always pass from Lucia. / To get to school, I always pass by Lucia's house.

2) Non uscire tra i raggi!/ Don't go out between the rays!

3) Lui ha attraversato il passaggio in mezzo alla folla. / He walked through the passage through the crowd.

Che tutti guard i complemented motorbike per luogo sono in lilla alle frasi sopra. If it yields important directions, this complement is straight from the preposizioni: ‘per’, ‘da’, ‘di’, ‘tra’, ‘attraverso’, ‘in’ and dalla locuzione ‘in mezzo a’. / See that all passing or middle movement complements are in lilac in the sentences above. It is important to say that this complement is governed by the prepositions: ‘to’, ‘from’, ‘between’, ‘through’, ‘in’ and by the phrase among a’.

Puntata! / Tip!

 È possibile accedere and leggere al sito, testi sui complementi diretti and indiretti come: “I complemented frasali" and "I added indirect: di specificazione e di finish”./ It is possible to access and read texts about direct and indirect complements on the website, such as: “I complementi frasali” and “I complementi indiretti: di specificazione e di termine”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Complement indiretti: moto da luogo and moto per luogo"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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