DO NOT buy a vacuum cleaner: MAKE YOURSELF!

To the homemade recipes can be great allies as practical and economical solutions for various aspects of routine. Including, they are always thought of with products that are in your closet.

From health and beauty care to improving cooking and home organization, these recipes offer affordable, natural alternatives.

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They not only simplify everyday tasks, but also allow us to customize products according to our preferences and needs.

The idea of ​​creating a Vacuum Cleaner efficient and eco-friendly homemade is an excellent option to keep your home clean, without resorting to commercial products.

With a few practical and simple tips, you will be able to enjoy a more pleasant and dust-free environment, while also contributing to sustainability. Make your own vacuum cleaner!

Homemade vacuum cleaner: a thousand and one uses

With simple and easily found ingredients, it is possible to create an effective and ecologically conscious solution.

for cleaning.

To prepare your own vacuum cleaner, you will need the following items: essential oil, vinegar, baking soda and water. We're sure these ingredients are already part of your cupboard.

(Image: publicity)

The essential oil plays a role in protecting against allergies and infections, while the vinegar has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, as well as a pleasant aroma.

In turn, baking soda is famous for its ability to absorb and eliminate dust. Water is used to mix and dilute the components of the solution.

In short, the combination of these ingredients is a powerful, natural cleaning solution capable of eliminating dust, germs and odors while contributing to a healthier environment.

Once the mixture is prepared, allow it to dry and store it in a well-sealed container until you are ready to use it. Apply it on surfaces for complete cleaning of the environment.

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