Exercises on Polysemy (5th and 7th grade) with feedback

Identify the sentence in which there is polysemy.

Answer explained

The word “ladies” is a polysemous word, because it has several meanings, as in the sentence below:

The gentlemen called the ladies (the ladies) to play checkers (board game).

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) there are synonyms (words with similar meaning): place and place;

c) there are homonyms (words with the same pronunciation - sometimes the same spelling - and different meanings): asso and steel; d) there are antonyms (words with the opposite meaning): good and bad.

Identify the only sentence in which there is no polysemy.

Answer explained

The words “para” are homonyms, because they have the same pronunciation - even the same spelling - and different meanings.

She stops (verb to stop) singing for (preposition) her brother to study.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) I felt sorry when I heard the man's pity.

“Pity” is a polysemous word. In this case, it means pity and punishment, respectively.

b) He got his mango dirty by eating mango.

“Mango” is a polysemous word. In this case, it means part of the clothing and fruit, respectively.

c) Watered the hose with the hose.

“Hose” is a polysemous word. In this case it means mango tree and pipe used to throw water respectively.


After singing, he blew out the candle on the cake with a strong breath. (wax candle)

The sailor held the sail tightly because of the strong wind. (boat sail)

i. The old man sat on the chair and broke his arm.

In this sentence there is ambiguity, because we cannot understand, with certainty, whose arm it is that broke. This is because the arm can be a part of the body (in this case, the elderly person) or the lateral support of a seat (in this case, the chair).

II. I sat on the bench and waited for the bank to open.

In this sentence there is polysemy, because although the same word (bank) has several meanings (institution and seat, respectively), we managed to understand them according to the context in which it is being used.

Indicate the alternative that correctly explains what polysemy is.

a) It is the relationship of meanings between two or more words.

b) It is the relationship between two words that are similar in spelling and pronunciation, however, differ in meaning.

c) It is a linguistic fact that a word can have several meanings.

d) It is the relationship of words with opposite meanings.

Answer explained

c) It is a linguistic fact that a word can have several meanings.

Examples of polysemous words:

  • period (punctuation mark) and period (bus)
  • preach (fix with a nail) and preach (make a sermon)
  • cable (military) and cable (electricity)

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) It is the relationship of meanings between two or more words. (synonymy, for example: beautiful and beautiful)

b) It is the relationship between two words that are similar in spelling and pronunciation, however, differ in meaning. (paronymy, for example: length, for extension, and greeting, for greeting)

d) It is the relationship of words with opposite meanings. (antonymy, for example: right and wrong)

Answer explained

b) The cable went out to buy a cable.

The word “cabo” is a polysemous word, because it has multiple meanings. In this case, it means a military and electricity cable, respectively.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) I spent the money for the concert on repairing the computer.

Concert and repair are homonymous words, because they have the same pronunciation and different meanings. Concert is music and repair is repair.

c) Describe what you saw with discretion.

Description and discretion are synonymous words, because they have similar spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings. Description is the act of describing and discretion is the discreet way of acting, without attracting attention.

d) Your pantry needs more shelves.

Despensa and dispensation are paronymic words, because they have similar spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings. Pantry is the place where food is kept and pantry is the act of not needing something.

a) letter, note, spoon and game

b) glad, glad, happy, satisfied

c) letter, note, sleeve, hose

d) tasty, yummy, appetizing, delicious

Answer explained

c) letter, note, sleeve, hose

These words are polysemous, because they have several meanings: letter (of the alphabet, of music), note (of music, of punctuation), mango (of fruit, of clothing), hose (of a tree, of a water pipe).

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) letter, note, spoon and game

Letter and note are polysemous words, but spoon and game are homonyms, because spoon and game have the same pronunciation - in this case, it changes the intensity of the vowels - and they also have the same spelling, but there is a spoon (ô) of the verb and a spoon (é) of the substantive.

b) glad, glad, happy, satisfied

All these words are synonyms, that is, they have an approximate meaning.

d) tasty, yummy, appetizing, delicious

All these words are synonyms, that is, they have an approximate meaning.

FERNANDES, Marcia. Exercises on Polysemy (5th and 7th grade) with feedback.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-sobre-polissemia/. Access at:

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