To theEncceja examsare applied annually to students who did not complete their studies at the regular age and wish to obtain certification in primary and secondary education.
The National Examination for the Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja) includes content from the teaching phases of each modality.
In the evaluation, in addition to the objective questions, the participants must produce an essay. See below topics that have already been addressed in Encceja in previous editions.
Know more:What to Study for the Encceja
Writing topics that have already been included in Encceja
Check out writing topics that have already fallen on Encceja:
High school: Challenges of the fashion industry for the preservation of the environment
Elementary School: The role of oral tradition in the preservation of culture in Brazil
High school: Affective abandonment of the elderly in Brazil
Elementary School: Combating sexual abuse against children and adolescents in Brazil
High school: Organization of time and access to social networks
Elementary School: New forms of conscious consumption
High school: The risks of night work for the health of the worker
Elementary School: Possibilities of safe food for the Brazilian population
High school: The issue of adoption of children and adolescents in Brazil
Elementary School: The importance of vaccination for public health
Check out: Previous Encceja exams
What is Encceja's writing like?
The wording of Encceja is in the format of a essay-argumentative text. Candidates must write the essay according to a theme proposal presented.
The textual production has the traditional score from 0 to 10, requiring an average of 5 points for the participant to be approved.
The certificate is awarded to the candidate who achieves a minimum score of 100 points in each objective test.
What is the purpose of the Encceja test?
The Encceja test serves tomeasuring the knowledge and skills of students who did not complete elementary or high school at the age considered appropriate for each stage of education.
If the student takes the Encceja test and achieves the minimum score required by the National Research Institute Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep), can obtain certificates of completion of elementary school or average.
Who can participate in Encceja?
To obtain the elementary school certification, you must be at least 15 years old. For high school, the participant must be at least 18 years old.
What are the Encceja exams like?
The Encceja tests are held in one day, in two shifts (morning and afternoon).
Encceja is composed of 60 objective questions in each turn and an essay, regardless of the level for which the certification is. What changes in the tests is the division of disciplines and the content covered. Check out:
MORNING | Natural Sciences and Mathematics | 60 QUESTIONS (30 each) | 4 HOURS |
EVENING | Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education; History and geography; Essay | 60 QUESTIONS (30 each) |
MORNING | Natural Sciences and its Technologies; Mathematics and its Technologies | 60 QUESTIONS (30 each) | 4 HOURS |
EVENING | Languages and Codes and their Technologies; Human Sciences and their Technologies; Essay | 60 QUESTIONS (30 each) | 5 HOURS |
Source: Brazil School -