Exercises on phonemes (with commented feedback)

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Choose the alternative whose word has 6 phonemes.

Indicate the alternative that contains a word that has the same number of letters and phonemes.

a) tense: 5 letters and 4 phonemes /t/ /ẽ/ /p/ /o/
b) world: 5 letters and 4 phonemes /m/ /ũ/ /d/ /o/
c) ax: 7 letters and 6 phonemes /m/ /a/ /x/ /a/ /d/ /o/
d) hotel: 5 letters and 4 phonemes /o/ /t/ /e/ /l/
e) cheese: 6 letters and 5 phonemes /qu/ /e/ /i/ /j/ /o/
f) acute: 5 letters and 5 phonemes /a/ /g/ /u/ /d/ /o/

Indicate which of the statements below are true and which are false.

i. In writing, phonemes are represented by letters.

Indicate the alternative in which M and N are not phonemes.

Answer explained

In the words campo and conde, the letters M and N are not phonemes, because they are signs of nasalization of vowels.

The word campo has 5 letters and 4 phonemes /c/ /ã/ /p/ /o/.

The word count has 5 letters and 4 phonemes /c/ /õ/ /d/ /e/.

Indicate the alternative that contains words that exemplify the following statement: the same letter can represent different phonemes.

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a) chess, chest, excursion

b) warning, exam, zoo

c) boxing, oxygen, pyrex

d) tower, rain, nest

Answer explained

In the word chess the x has the sound of x. In the word thorax the x has the sound of k and s. In the word excursion, the x has an s sound.

As for the remaining alternatives:

In alternative b) the same phoneme is being represented by different letters. in the words avisthe, andxlove, zoologically, boldfaces highlight letters that sound like a z.

In alternative c) the letter x is representing two different phonemes, k and s (boxand thexgenius, freak outx)

In alternative d) the phonemes are being represented by two letters (digraphs): torrrIt is, chgrape, ninhO.

(PUC-RJ) The same phoneme can be spelled in different ways. What is the list of words that exemplifies this statement?

a) patient, center, existence

b) existence, months, baptized

c) project, harming, proposes

d) who, when, psychiatrist

e) thing, bother, continuity

FERNANDES, Marcia. Exercises on phonemes (with commented feedback).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-sobre-fonemas/. Access at:


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