Changes in the New High School are proposed by the MEC

The Ministry of Education (MEC) presented on Monday night (7) the results of the public consultation on secondary education and presented changes for this stage of teaching.

At the press conference held yesterday (7), Camilo Santana, Minister of Education, emphasized the importance of building a public policy with many hands:

"What we are doing now is correcting, perfecting and improving high school. We want to give more opportunity to our young people, listening to teachers, students, specialists, technicians and secretaries of Education"

Camilo Santana - Minister of Education

Data from the public consultation were collected between March and July of this year. MEC carried out a series of dialogue activities with managers, educators, researchers, specialists, students and other members of civil society.

During these months, public hearings, workshops, meetings, seminars, webinars and online consultations take place. The objective was to listen to society in order to collect opinions and information in order to restructure the Brazilian secondary education policy.

During the consultation, the implementation of New High School, which started in 2022, has been suspended.

Changes in the New High School

Among the changes suggested for the New High School are:

  • Workload of 2,400 hours of compulsory disciplines (Basic General Training - FGB). In the current model, this amount is 1,800 hours (60%). The FGB would represent 80% of the entire workload.

  • Reduction of training itineraries to three, namely:

    • Languages, Mathematics and Natural Sciences;

    • Languages, Mathematics, Human and Social Sciences;

    • Technical and Professional Training

  • keep format from the enemfor 2024. For the following years, hold a debate with society to discuss the exam model.

  • Do not adopt Distance Education (EaD) for General Basic Education disciplines. In the case of Technical Professional Education, only up to 20% of the workload can be distance learning.

  • Permanence of students, especially those who are in a situation of social vulnerability. Strengthening of Technical Professional Education offer and expansion of full-time enrollments.

Suggestions for changes will be presented to the Presidency of the Republic. It is not yet known which will be forwarded to the National Congress or defined by means of a decree.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

High School Public Consultation Results

The high school public consultation held in 2023 by the MEC heard 139,159 people in all through the WhatsApp channel, being:

  • 102,338 students;

  • 30,274 teachers;

  • 5,480 managers;

  • 1,075 young people (who did not identify themselves as students).

A total of 11,024 people participated in the consultation through the Participa +Brasil platform.

The summary presented by MEC yesterday (7) brought together 12 topics:

  • Curriculum organization;

  • National High School Examination (Enem);

  • Educational equity;

  • Human Rights and democratic participation of students;

  • Distance Education (EaD);

  • Infrastructure;

  • Professional and Technological Education (EPT);

  • Training and appreciation of teachers;

  • Permanence Policy;

  • Full-time;

  • Assessment;

  • MEC's ​​role.

check out the summary document of the public consultation on secondary education.

Image credit:

[1] Ângelo Miguel / Ministry of Education (MEC)

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