Check out the benefits of making guava juice with peel

The guava tree is a tree known to have played a role in many people's childhood. As a result, in addition to the affective memory, it produces a creamy pulp, rich in fiber and with a delicious flavor. Although many people don't know it, guava juice in the peel has more nutrients than the fruit itself, thus improving the quality of life of those who consume it.

Want to know more? So, keep reading to know what are the benefits of unpeeled guava juice for our body.

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Find out what are the benefits of guava juice with skin for the body

According to experts, the guava peel is a treasure trove of nutrients and minerals. That's because that's where most of them focus. In this way, the ideal is that it is consumed when preparing the juice. Check out some of the most important advantages of eating unpeeled guava.

1. Reduces effects of diabetes

Diabetics have a friend in unpeeled guava juice. This is due to the fact that the drink has a low glycemic index and also helps in the secretion of insulin. Guava is also a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps regulate sugar levels in the body, consequently, helps reduce the effects of diabetes.

2. Increases immunity

Because the fruit is rich in vitamin C, it helps to strengthen the immune system. As a result, daily consumption of unpeeled guava can help prevent flu, colds and other illnesses linked to the respiratory system.

3. reduce high blood pressure

Because it is rich in potassium, the juice of this fruit helps in the treatment of hypertension. Guava neutralizes the existing sodium in our bodies, lowering blood pressure. It is also worth noting that when this fruit is eaten unpeeled, it protects the cardiovascular system.

4. Decrease in pain

Guava peel is considered a natural pain reliever in folk medicine. Therefore, several studies have found benefits in using the peel of this fruit to relieve pain, inflammation and even bacterial infections.

This article does not provide solutions for medical or psychological problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.

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