What is the minimum contribution time to receive unemployment insurance?

After losing a job, someone can feel helpless and aimless, so any support at this time is welcome. Therefore, the INSS offers unemployment insurance for these occasions, helping the worker financially until he finds a new job. However, a minimum contribution period is required to receive unemployment insurance, as explained below.

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INSS takes into account the last 18 months

When analyzing unemployment insurance requests, the INSS will take into account the last 18 months. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to have contributed all this time to receive the aid. In fact, on the first request, Social Security will analyze whether within that 18-month period, the worker has contributed for at least 12 months.

In the second request, the number of months of contribution changes, as well as the analysis period. In that case, Social Security will analyze the last 12 months to see if there was a contribution for at least nine months. In the case of the third request or more, the INSS will consider whether there was registered work and with contribution in the last six months. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that this benefit is only available to regulated workers registered with the CLT and who, therefore, make the contribution to each salary.

How much do you get unemployment insurance?

To find out the amount of unemployment insurance you are entitled to receive, just do the following: calculation: add the wages of the last three months of contribution, plus vacation or 13th, if they occurred in that period. In addition, the worker who received the dismissal without just cause will also be entitled to 40% of the FGTS, as the law explains.

In this way, it is possible to pass the interval between two job opportunities with more tranquility and peace of mind. Remembering that to make the request, you can download the Meu INSS app or call the Institute's central office, via phone 135.

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